The programmes do not appear to be padded and the endpad log shows lots of entries similar to this
- Code: Select all
Monday 11:53:26 :
Monday 11:53:26 : endpad.tcl 1.5.4 log file, starting up
Monday 11:53:26 : Start padding set to 120 seconds
Monday 11:53:26 : End padding set to 120 seconds
Monday 11:53:26 : Negative start padding set to 0 seconds
Monday 11:53:26 : Force Negative startpadding is 0
Monday 11:53:26 : Suggestions will be padded, even if that means cancelling a subsequent suggestion
Monday 11:53:26 : Detected TiVo software version 2.5.5-01-1-023
Monday 11:53:26 : Suggestion quality change disabled
Monday 11:53:26 : Timezone 00:00
Monday 11:53:26 : Sorted configuration options (last match used):-
Monday 11:53:26 : startpad 2 endpad 2 negpad 0 forceneg 0 maxneg -1 sugqual -1
Monday 11:53:26 : Woken up
Monday 11:53:26 : Error detected
Monday 11:53:26 : can't read "rectype": no such variable
while executing
"if {$rectype == 3 || $debugfsid} {
# Recording active
set isrec 1
# Get details of currently recording programme
Monday 11:53:26 : Attempting to recover
Monday 11:53:57 : Woken up
Monday 11:53:58 : Error detected
Monday 11:53:58 : can't read "rectype": no such variable
while executing
"if {$rectype == 3 || $debugfsid} {
# Recording active
set isrec 1
# Get details of currently recording programme
Monday 11:53:58 : Attempting to recover
Monday 11:53:58 : Too many errors, stopping