can anyone help with this error that is reported from within tivoweb just under where it says "logo imported successfully.
Trying to associate the logo after the import results in no logos found.
Thankyou in advance.
-------INTERNAL SERVER ERROR------ --cut here--action:logos, path:/import/, env:file BBC3-s1-p1.png lspace 1 submit Import, code:'errDbNotFound'
can't open object (errDbNotFound)
while executing
"db $db open "/LogoGroup/$lspace:$type:$type""
("uplevel" body line 3)
invoked from: "uplevel $body"
invoked from: "transaction {uplevel $body}"
(procedure "RetryTransaction" line 5)
invoked from: "RetryTransaction {
set img [db $db openid $imgfsid]
set logogroup [db $db open "/LogoGroup/$lspace:$type:$type"]
dbobj $logogroup add Index $index
(procedure "show_import" line 85)
invoked from: "show_import $chan [join [lrange $parsedPath 2 end] {/}] $env"
(procedure "MOD::action_logos" line 16)
invoked from: "$cmd $chan $path $env"
--cut here--