What can I do?

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What can I do?

Postby baward » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:09 am

Hello. Now that I have the awesome, unbeatable Tivo fully up and running at last, connecting wirelessly and everything, what (if anything) can I do with it, apart from using it as a PVR? Can I customise TivoWebPlus or are any changes sent to me over the network? Do I even need to further hack it? I did work out how to change to Mode zero, but I think I need to do something more to it to get a higher recording resolution (??) It has ALTEPG installed.

I should add that I am not a programmer, although I can telnet to the Tivo successfully.

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Re: What can I do?

Postby DX30 » Sun Jul 29, 2012 11:40 am

The AltEPG image has most of the useful hacks already installed so you probably don't need to install anything more. If you have enabled Mode 0 that is as high a resolution as the TiVo S1 goes. If you want HD resolutions you'll need to change to a different PVR I'm afraid (e.g. the Virgin TiVo).
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HD [was Re: What can I do?]

Postby baward » Sat Dec 28, 2013 8:52 pm

DX30 wrote:The AltEPG image has most of the useful hacks already installed so you probably don't need to install anything more. If you have enabled Mode 0 that is as high a resolution as the TiVo S1 goes. If you want HD resolutions you'll need to change to a different PVR I'm afraid (e.g. the Virgin TiVo).

Is this still the case, i.e. is TiVo 1 able to support Freeview HD, or is it ever likely to be?

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Re: HD [was Re: What can I do?]

Postby jrg » Sun Dec 29, 2013 12:53 am

baward wrote:Is this still the case, i.e. is TiVo 1 able to support Freeview HD, or is it ever likely to be?

there's two key things it can't do, as I understand it:

1. receive an HD resolution input- the SCART input just can't provide it (freeview HD boxes will only be outputting HD on HDMI, anyway)
2. encode at an HD resolution. All of the available resolutions are for 576 vertical lines, with various combinations of data rates and horizontal resolution options)
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