I suspect there's a corruption in your tivoweb installation somehow. You said that starting TiVoweb caused a reboot, so that's rather damning evidence in that direction.
Do you have a backup of your tivoweb installation can ftp back onto the tivo?
It's not a disc space problem. It wants to use the variable "cache_sp_key" which is created when Tivoweb starts up. Wishlists that auto-record are just like Season Passes effectively. You will probably find that the Season Pass page in the User Interface module also fails, as it won't be able to read the cache_sp_key variable to produce the numbered list of season passes.
1. full shutdown of tivoweb
2. from the command line, change to the directory where tivoweb is, and
- Code: Select all
./tivoweb console
3. watch the output for errors. A working set up should produce output like this
- Code: Select all
~/tivoweb-tcl # TiVo Web Project - TCL - v1.9.4
The program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This program is licensed under the GPL.
See the 'copyright' and 'README' files for copyright and credit information.
Loading modules...
(a nice list of 1 line per module)
Accepting Connections
A corrupted set up will have random errors like this
- Code: Select all
~/tivoweb-tcl # TiVo Web Project - TCL - v1.9.4
The program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
This program is licensed under the GPL.
See the 'copyright' and 'README' files for copyright and credit information.
Loading modules...
NONE can't read "logname": no such variable
while executing
"e/$logname/" "$logname"]] [td [file size $log]] [td [clock format [expr [file mtime $log] + $tzoffset] -format "%a %d %b %Y %T"]]]"
(file "./modules/digiguide-0.43-rc7.itcl" line 1614)
invoked from within
"source $module "
4. Make sure you do a full Quit of tivoweb, and then start it again in the normal way, not with "console".
If it's not a simple thing that you can fix yourself, such as uploading from a backup, the best thing is to migrate with tivoweb+ as it's the only version we can really support with fixes and updates these days. 'classic' tivoweb was splintered into a ridiculous number of different branches and patches, a totally out of control mess (as can happen with an open source free for all with no central repository). I documented all the branches of TiVoweb I could find back in 2011, which was a huge amount of work, and then there was no interest from anyone else in taking it further.
TiVoweb+ v2.3b1 on the other hand, has had lots of development by a few of the team here, sometimes in concert with our own service. It's also faster, more efficient, and more reliable. An example of the development is the IMDb links from movies in TiVoweb+ - these are now actual links to the single correct movie taken from the number in brackets at the end of the synopsis, because we put the number there on the server side! Previously, all you could do in tivoweb was a search on the movie's title and hope for a decent match.