My ailing TiVo has been cured (fingers crossed) thanks to a new HDD from tivoland (thanks, Dave!). However, the new drive comes with TiVoWebPlus v2.1.b3 - very different to the TiVoWeb v1.9.4 I'm used to. It looks like it It looks like it could be a big improvement, but it's far from clear to me what all the options are (took me quite a while to even figure out what the mysterious "PS" column in the ToDo list was, for instance).
Is there a user guide to v2 anywhere? I have tried Googling for TiVoWebPlus instructions or user guide or manual, but every hit seems to be about instructions on installing/setting up TWP, not actually navigating around it.
If not, could someone answer a specific question about the 'Blocking Patterns' option? It says it can match on episode names, descriptions and day/time - can it also match on season number? Eg - can I use "big bang theory"+!(s8 (say) to pre-select all old season episodes for deletion?