After being a dedicated Tivo user since getting one of the last ones sold by Powerhouse (remember them?) with a lifetime sub I'm finally weaning myself off
I've experimented with MythTV, Windows Media Center and various other things but they've all been an exercise in frustration for various reasons. I still don't have a solution for my TV management needs that's as good as Tivo but I bought a SiliconDust HDHomeRun Connect network Freeview tuner a while back that offers hope. At the moment I run the HDHomeRun DVR Manager on my QNAP NAS along with HDHomeRun DVR UI which I can access from my PC, tablet or phone. With this I can setup recordings of upcoming content which, between the dual tuners, plus1 channels and repeats usually works. What it lacks is Wishlists, Season Passes and a decent search facility. The search is so dire that I still have one Tivo under the TV just for that!
What I'd really like is Tivo software that I can run in a VM or container that can manage the HDHomeRun tuners. In the meantime I'm going to have a play with MythTV, Kodi, etc now that I can side-step the hardware issues.