by cerihp » Mon Dec 13, 2021 5:12 pm
A few thoughts...
Seriously dredging the memory cells here, but I have a vague recollection of there being two sets of sky remote codes in TiVo, one of which sends a 'sky' button press before the channel numbers - this generally puts the box in a known state before the digits arrive (hope this is true for sky as well as sky plus!). What code do you have selected in TiVo for the remote? It might also be worth trying a slower speed.
I sometimes have channel change problems when the sunlight reflects onto the front of the sky box, as the signal from the emitter is then not picked up against the high background levels. Try switching lights off/drawing curtains and see if it makes a difference.
I'd also move one of the wands well away, so only one signal is being picked up by the box.
You can often tell what went wrong by watching the first few seconds of a recording as TiVo starts recording before the channel change is sent. This can be paused and viewed slowly to confirm that the first 2 digits are being 'lost' to complete the previous channel change and not happening more than once due to two ir transmitters being visible, as they will appear on screen.