New to forum and 'returning' TiVo user

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New to forum and 'returning' TiVo user

Postby HappyTrucker » Sat Aug 18, 2007 1:35 pm

Hi all.

I had a TiVo a few years ago, but due to it dying unexpectedly I had to resort to plan B (SKY+......oh dear). Back when my unit went to the great TiVo graveyard in the sky, you pretty much had to rely on finding out all info on changing drives and 'blessing' the new drive yourself. Unfortunately the unit has since been disposed of - very annoying now I could just pick up a drive and pop it in!

I have been emailing Dave about his units, but to avoid clogging up his email inbox, if anyone could help me clear up a point or two that I may have not explained in my emails I'd appreciate it. And it would give Dave a rest too!

1) Is Mode0 enabled on the units/drives bought via tivoland? I asked Dave and he said I could change modes to see what suited, but I don't know if he was just on about basic/medium/best or if he meant I could access the TiVo via a network and change the Mode0 fuctionality that way. I have no doubt my question wasn't very clear rather than his answer, I was a bit distracted at the time of emailing. I am led to believe (by the wonders of the web) that Mode0 can enable a higher bitrate than 'best' and improves picture quality on larger screens.

2) If I were to buy a networked model, how easy/difficult is it to setup TiVoWeb to enable me to access the unit remotely?

3) If I put a wireless gaming adapter connected to the network card of the TiVo, would there be anything specific I'd need to do to get the adapter recognised on my wireless network? I use an encrypted network, so would need to enter the password on the setup for the adapter somehow.

Thanks for your time, and apologies to Dave for repeating myself. I just need to be 100% certain that the quality will be fine on a 32" LCD and that networking with the TiVo isn't as complicated as it seems to appear. Although I would be able to use 'best' with the size of drives for sale here, I do remember a bit of blockiness on the old unit on a standard TV which would only be exaggerated on a larger screen.

Hmmmmm, a return to TiVo world - proper season passes that don't cancel when a series run ends, and wishlists to pickup the series when it starts again if the season pass misses it. Wonder why SKY never implemented the TiVo software into the SKY+. All that marketing to kill off TiVo and an inferior product to boot. I'd never have gone to SKY+ if my TiVo had survived that's for sure :(

And thanks to Dave for enabling my account on here. As you can see, all is working fine now
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Postby healeydave » Wed Aug 22, 2007 7:50 am

1.) Yes, Mode 0 can be enabled and disabled.

2). The pre-configuration leaves little to be done by the end user :-)

3). You configure you LAN & Security settings on the Wireless Bridge/Gaming adapter once and then the Tivo will work wirelessly an seamlessly.

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Postby healeydave » Wed Aug 22, 2007 8:00 am

test message, problems with email notifications
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