Progress and a Question

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Progress and a Question

Postby rupertbear » Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:16 pm

I have today successfully changed my main TiVo (networked) to use the AltEPG, using the 'Clear Programme Data & To Do List' option. Many thanks to all involved for their efforts, with extra thanks to poppadom for sorting an analogue only option.

Only problem so far is that the TiVo says it has info to 26th June but in fact it is only present to 19th June. I hope that this will sort itself out over a few more calls.

A question - I chose to convert the existing setup on this box rather that use an AltEPG image, so that I could keep the recordings. What have I missed out on by doing this? It seems, from various posts, that the image has a pretty comprehensive set of tools - do we still call them hacks? Is there a list somewhere? Would it be possible for an install package to be created so that we could all be working from the same place?

Thanks again.
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Re: Progress and a Question

Postby Rachel » Sun Jun 12, 2011 1:59 pm

rupertbear wrote:Only problem so far is that the TiVo says it has info to 26th June but in fact it is only present to 19th June.

Is that 19th June on ALL channels or just some? The 26th will be the farthest date for which it has guide data but that doesn't mean you will have data for ALL channels until then.

(Same as now when we only get 7-14 days of BBC data but you get 21 days of some Sky channels - the tivo will say data to 1st July but BBC data only runs to 25th June).
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Re: Progress and a Question

Postby rupertbear » Sun Jun 12, 2011 2:43 pm

Rachel wrote:
rupertbear wrote:Only problem so far is that the TiVo says it has info to 26th June but in fact it is only present to 19th June.

Is that 19th June on ALL channels or just some? The 26th will be the farthest date for which it has guide data but that doesn't mean you will have data for ALL channels until then.

(Same as now when we only get 7-14 days of BBC data but you get 21 days of some Sky channels - the tivo will say data to 1st July but BBC data only runs to 25th June).

I only get four!

If I browse all channels by time the last entry is for 11.45pm on 19th June. That's no more entries, not TBA.

However, it still won't let me do a forced daily call so maybe it's still thinking about it. I'll give it a few days and see what happens.
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Re: Progress and a Question

Postby Rachel » Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:00 pm

AIUI the AltEPG is only sending out 7 days' worth of schedules while it is in the "alpha testing" stage. You might have a "placeholder" or somesuch which is setting the date of the 26th, but your actual data only runs to the 19th at the mo.
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Re: Progress and a Question

Postby mrtickle » Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:20 pm

Yes that's it. The "nonag" channel contains dummy data going further ahead, because otherwise the tivo software nags you to make daily calls to get more guide data.
links to my TiVo logos, TivoWebPlus 2.1.b3 UK-20120818, Tracker v3.3.3 & v3.3.4 (17th Jun 2013), GDchecker v1.06b, Digiguide checker v0.4.3-rc5 and Autospace v1.65 can all be found in this post.
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Re: Progress and a Question

Postby gcobb » Sun Jun 12, 2011 3:25 pm

By the way, we have had a problem generating slices in the last couple of days -- now believed fixed. However, I would be interested if anyone has downloaded the latest slices (last daily call after 17:00 on 11th June) and they spot a significant problem with, or gaps in, the 18th or 19th June data. In particular, please check if you have the Coronation Street Omnibus on 18th/19th mornings.

So, please reply here if you spot something wrong with the 18th or 19th June data AND your last daily call was AFTER 17:00 on 11th June. Reports today (Sunday 12th June) would be most useful.
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Re: Progress and a Question

Postby bri_tal » Sun Jun 12, 2011 7:51 pm

gcobb wrote:By the way, we have had a problem generating slices in the last couple of days -- now believed fixed. However, I would be interested if anyone has downloaded the latest slices (last daily call after 17:00 on 11th June) and they spot a significant problem with, or gaps in, the 18th or 19th June data. In particular, please check if you have the Coronation Street Omnibus on 18th/19th mornings.

So, please reply here if you spot something wrong with the 18th or 19th June data AND your last daily call was AFTER 17:00 on 11th June. Reports today (Sunday 12th June) would be most useful.

My Altepg for freeview IS showing Corrie for the 18th 9:25am. I'll bet that it will be showing the Sunday one (19th) by tomorrow.
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