What's all this AltEPG malarkey?
What is "AltEPG"?
But they can't do that: it's illegal / immoral / unfair / etc.
As of 13th June 2011 my TiVo isn't getting any new schedule data: it says "Number Not Answering"
My TiVo now says "Account Closed"
Okay, I want it!
How do I switch to using the AltEPG system?
So which option is best?
How long will it take?
How do I get started?
Please give me plain and simple step by step instructions on how to change over to the AltEPG, with the minimum of techno-speak
Yes but what's the simplest way to switch to AltEPG!?
Can I use the AltEPG without losing my recordings
How do I access the AltEPG via my phone line?
How do I access the AltEPG via my network connection?
Which is better: network access or dial-up?
How do I install a new software image?
What number do I dial for the AltEPG?
How do I change the phone number that TiVo dials?
Is there an alternative dial-up number?
Why do I have to run Guided Setup?
Please give me a step by step guide to running Guided Setup
Can I use Freesat with AltEPG?
Which programme sources are supported?
Can I use Freeview + Sky at the same time?
Can I access AltEPG via a serial cable?
Oh dear - it's all gone wrong...
What's the difference between "Clear and Delete Everything" and "Clear and Delete Programme Data & To Do List"?
I keep getting "Phone is busy" when the TiVo tries to connect
I did a guided set up this evening with the new phone number but the call was unsuccessful. Shortly after that the phone rang, the caller display identified it as the number TiVo has dialled. Is this supposed to happen?
Why does the TiVo make 2 calls to AltEPG during Guided Setup?
How long should the second call take, it's been going for over an hour!?
Guided Setup doesn't recognise my postcode.
I have Freesat but...
I selected "none of the above" and was told to ring 08702 418416 but no-one answers!
I tried installing AltEPG from a CD but I get an error saying "Restore failed: First target drive too small"
Okay, I've set it up but have questions...
My TiVo says Account Status 4: TiVo Internal Testing - what's that!?
I've connected to AltEPG but my TiVo says Account Status 8: Closed !
My TiVo says this will only take 5 minutes!
The TiVo says 'Call Status: Succeeded' but the EPG data is missing?
Indexing after Guided Setup has been going on for hours!
Is there a list of channels anywhere that shows what is currently in the guide data?
Channel ABCXYZ is missing / has no guide data
TiVo says it has guide data for 2 weeks, but it actually only has data for the next 7 days
The old system used to provide 21 days of data, why can't you?
How much will the telephone calls cost?
Does AltEPG also have radio channels?
I have Freesat but I'm getting the wrong channels
Why have I lost all my Season Passes?
First Run Only season passes aren't working
The schedule data is wrong, how do I fix it?
Different episodes are showing the same description!
There is no Original Air Date in the guide data
How do I tell which version of AltEPG software is running on my TiVo?
I need help!
I'm stuck, please can you help me?
Q: What is "AltEPG"?
A: On June 1st 2011, TiVo Inc. (USA) ceased the original TiVo service in the UK (official announcement). This means the original TiVo recorders will no longer receive any electronic programme guide (EPG) data and thus render many of their functions like Season Passes, Wishlists, etc. inoperable.
The AltEPG project was created to provide an alternative source of EPG data to keep our TiVo recorders working.
Q: But they can't do that: it's illegal / immoral / unfair / etc.
A: This has been discussed at length on the Tivo Community forum - please see the discussions there for info.
Q: As of 13th June 2011 my TiVo isn't getting any new schedule data: it says "Number Not Answering"
A: TiVo Inc. have disconnected the dial-up line used by your TiVo.
[s]You may be able to use one of TiVo's alternative numbers (details):
0207 9061000
0845 0885336
0800 2795740
0845 0810054
0808 1050026
but note these may be chargeable calls[/s]
DO NOT USE any of these numbers - as of 24/6/11 TiVo Inc. will set your account to status "Account Closed" if you connect to their server. Unless you previously "hacked" your TiVo this will mean you will no longer be able to see ANY programme guide data on your TiVo (until you switch to the AltEPG).
Q: My TiVo now says "Account Closed"
A: As of 24th June 2011 TiVo have set all accounts to "Account Closed" - this means you will not be able to see any programme guide data and your TiVo will only have very limited functionality (e.g. it will only do manual recordings).
You must switch to the AltEPG system to reset the account status and get new programme data.
(Except if you have a network card when you can delay this for a bit if you wish - see here)
Q: How do I switch to using the AltEPG system?
A: There are several ways:
1) Keep your recordings and change your existing TiVo to use the AltEPG data
2) Clear all your recordings and install a new software image
3) Buy a pre-installed HDD to replace your existing TiVo HDD
Q: So which option is best?
A: That's entirely up to you! You may decide that your existing TiVo disc is getting old (the manufacturers' expected lifespan is about 3-4 years) and elect to buy a new disc preinstalled with all the new software.
You don't have to do this though - if you want to save money, you can use the information in the thread and on this forum to re-configure your existing system to work with AltEPG.
Q: How long will it take?
A: You should allow 24 hours to get your TiVo switched over and fully working. During this time you may not be able to make any recordings or watch recorded programmes so plan your time accordingly!
Q: How do I get started?
A: First you need to register your TiVo with the AltEPG service - Register your TiVo for AltEPG
Be very careful when entering your TiVo serial number - 8 and B look very similar!
Q: Please give me plain and simple step by step instructions on how to change over to the AltEPG, with the minimum of techno-speak
A: Basic method:
1) Register on altepg.com (click here)
2) Change the dial prefix
3) (Optional but recomended) Perform a "Clear and Delete Everything" or "Clear and Delete Programme Data"
4) Perform a Guided Setup using the AltEPG postcode.
All the details are here. (ignore the first paragraph)
Q: Yes but what's the simplest way to switch to AltEPG!?
A: It is relatively simple, essentially all you have to do is change the number TiVo dials and re-run Guided Setup. All the information is on this forum and linked via this thread!
It should be noted that there are however many benefits to upgrading your TiVo HDD to an AltEPG image, here are just a few:
The AltEPG image contains all the best hacks and utilities developed for the series 1 over the years.
AltEPG also contains many new hacks unique to AltEPG, such as auto detection of your connection type (modem or network), it will then load the correct drivers for operation.
AltEPG even supports DHCP, something the official image never did!
Many configuration settings are now possible through the TiVo remote which previously had to be done via telnet.
Once on the latest version of AltEPG, even OTA (over the air) updates and management of your TiVo account are now possible through the AltEPG website.
Basically the AltEPG image has been tweaked and refined for the best plug 'n' play solution!
Q: Can I use the AltEPG without losing my recordings
A: Yes but you will lose any Season Passes and Wish Lists you have setup. You will need to make a note of these if you want to re-create them in AltEPG
Q: How do I access the AltEPG via my phone line?
A: See Connecting an Existing TiVo Image to AltEPG (via Dial-UP)
Q: How do I access the AltEPG via my network connection?
A: See Connecting an Existing TiVo Image to AltEPG ( via Network)
Q: Which is better: network access or dial-up?
A: You will get the exactly the same guide data whether you use network or dial-up. It is much faster to access the AltEPG using a network connection rather than dial-up (telephone), however you will need to purchase and install a "network card" into your TiVo. TiVo Inc. used to provide a free-call dial-up number but the new service will be a chargebale phone call. However, the dial-up number is what BT call a "geographic" number and was deliberately chosen so it will be included in your "inclusive calls" package if you have one. So the answer is if you currently use dial-up then it's probably easiest to stick with that - but watch out for the call costs!
Q: How do I install a new software image?
A: Either download the image file and use mfs_tools to install it, or download and burn your own installation CD (see here)
Q: What number do I dial for the AltEPG?
A: There are three numbers you can use
0845 0800300
0161 2329094
0845 1112111
(see the first post here for details)
Q: How do I change the phone number that TiVo dials?
A: Go to Phone Dialling Options screen and enter the phone number against the Set Dial Prefix.
1: Go to the TiVo Menu by Pressing the TiVo button on the remote.
2: Select Messages & Setup
3: Select Recorder & Phone Setup
4: Select Phone Connection
5: Select Change Dialling Options
6: Select Set Dial Prefix
7: Enter either 08450800300 or 01612329094 according to personal preference and press Select
8: Select Accept and test new options
9: Once the Test Phone Connection call has been made and succeeded Select Use these dialling options
10: Select Make Daily Call Now To Update your Tivo using the newly installed number
Putting two commas at the end of the number (step (7)) can sometimes help if there are problems connecting on the number you entered.
Q: Is there an alternative dial-up number?
A: Yes you can use other 0845 numbers but you need to make software changes on your TiVo. See HOWTO use an 0845 dialup with tivo
Q: Why do I have to run Guided Setup?
A: You need to clear out the old programme guide data in your TiVo and get a new database of data from AltEPG. You do this by running Guided Setup - just like you did when you first got your TiVo. It will only take about 20 minutes of your time although TiVo will then spend the next 4-8 hours indexing the new data before you can use it. Subsequent updates to the guide data will be much much quicker of course!
Q: Please give me a step by step guide to running Guided Setup
1. Background
The AltEPG service provides programme data for two types of program source:
1. Digital Satellite [TiVo will always list these channels as '(sat)']
2. Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial (Digital Terrestrial is Freeview) [TiVo will always list these channels as '(cab)']
For each of these program sources, AltEPG provides several lineups:
1. Digital Satellite:
- Freesat
- Sky / Feesat from Sky
- Sky HD
2. Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial
- Freeview
- Virgin Media
- TalkTalk TV
- Sky Radio
You can set up you TiVo to receive one Satellite lineup and/or one Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial lineup.
If you set it up to receive just one lineup, TiVo will expect the input to come via SCART.
If you set it up to receive two lineups, TiVo will expect to receive the Satellite lineup input via SCART, and the Cable/Terrestrial lineup via the Coax input. However you can change this later so that both inputs come via SCART. (see http://www.garysargent.co.uk/tivo/skyradio.htm)
In all cases, in order to use a lineup, you will need an external tuner (set top box) that TiVo can control with its IR Blaster.
Note that TiVo although UK Series 1 TiVos have an internal TV tuner, this is an analogue tuner. There are no longer any analogue TV transmissions in the UK, so this tuner cannot be used.
2. Running Guided Setup
When running guided setup, you are first asked to select your Programme Source:
1. Aerial Only
2. Aerial + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial
3. Aerial + Analogue Cable
4. Digital Satellite + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial
5. Aerial + Digital Satellite
Choose from these options as follows:
- If you want just Cable/Terrestrial (eg Freeview), choose option 2
- If you want just Satellite (eg Sky HD), choose option 5
- If you want both Cable/Terrestrial and Satellite, choose option 4
You should ignore options 1 and 3.
After you've done that, you will be asked to enter your Post Code. You should enter "01000". TiVo will then make a call to the AltEPG server to download the list of available lineups.
When it has received the lineups, it will ask you to choose the lineup(s) you want.
If you've asked for a satellite lineup, you'll be asked to choose your Satellite Provider:
1. Freesat - Satellite, UK
2. Sky / Freesat from Sky - Satellite, UK
3. SkyHD - Satellite, UK
You'll then be asked to select you satellite receiver's set-top box.
If you've asked for a cable/terrestrial lineup, you'll be then asked to choose your (cable/terrestrial) Service Provider:
1. Freeview - Digital, UK
2. Virgin Media - Cable, UK
3. TalkTalk TV - Cable, UK
4. Sky Radio - Digital, UK
You'll then be asked to select your Service Package. This is a redundant step because there's only one package (lineup) for each Service Provider, so you should select the one option available (eg "Freeview" if you selected option 1 above).
You'll then be asked to select you Freeview/cable receiver's set-top box.
Next you'll be asked to select which channels you receive. You will be presented with all the channels available from the lineup(s) you have selected. There may be several channels with the same channel number. To avoid confusion you should only have one channel selected for each number. Note that you don't need to have the NoNag channel selected. Also note that each channel is labelled either "(sat)" - Satellite or "(cab)" - Cable/Terrestrial. Yes - Freeview is labelled "(cab)", not "(aer)".
Now, TiVo will make another call to download the programme data for the lineups you have selected. This will take several minutes. Note that TiVo will download all the data for each lineup - it doesn't make any difference if you only choose a few channels from a lineup, it will still download and index the entire lineup dataset.
Q: Can I use Freesat with AltEPG?
Q: Which programme sources are supported?
A: You can use Freesat, Freeview, Freesat, Freesat from Sky, Sky, Virgin Media or TalkTalk cable.
During Guided Setup you can select the following:
For ---> Freeview, Virgin Media orTalkTalk --- select ---> Aerial + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial
For ---> Freesat, Sky or Sky HD --- select ---> Aerial + Digital Satellite
For ---> Freesat, Sky or Sky HD + Freeview, Virgin Media or TalkTalk --- select ---> Digital Satellite + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial
Note: Freesat from Sky is different to Freesat. It is the same as Sky but with a reduced list of channels.
There is only limited support for analogue-only source - i.e. "old style" terrestrial television. This will be phased out nearly everywhere by April 2012 so you should be looking to switch to Freeview or Freesat. For those people who cannot yet get Freeview and are unable to install a satellite dish (e.g. you have a listed building), a limited number of analogue-only lineups are available.
(Update: as of 30/10/2012 all the analogue TV services have been switched off and the AltEPG service has discontinued providing program data for the analogue-only lineups).See here.
Q: Can I use Freeview + Sky at the same time?
A: Yes you can - during Guided Setup select the option for "Digital Satellite + Digital Cable/Digital Terrestrial" and then choose either Freeview or Virgin + Sky or Freesat
Q: Can I access AltEPG via a serial cable?
A: Yes you can - see here
Q: What's the difference between "Clear and Delete Everything" and "Clear and Delete Programme Data & To Do List"?
A: Both options will:
- remove all Programme Guide data,
- cancel upcoming recordings,
- delete all Season Passes,
- delete all Wishlists,
- remove thumb ratings for programmes.
"Clear and Delete Everything" will additionally remove all your recorded programmes.
After you run either of these options you must run a Guided Setup to load replacement programme guide data before you can use the TiVo again.
It is essential you run at least one of these options before connecting to AltEPG or else your TiVo will have a mix of old and new guide data and will probably get confused! (= keep crashing and restarting)
Q: I keep getting "Phone is busy" when the TiVo tries to connect
A: If you are using the 01274 DECOMISSIONED there is only one phone line available for dial-up access. So everyone is using the one line meaning you will get the busy tone at times. This is worsened at the moment because on your first connection to AltEPG you need to download a complete schedule for your selected TV sources which takes some time. While you are doing this everyone else will get the busy signal.
You should use one of the 3 recommended numbers instead. Which one is best for you depends on what your phone company charges for dialling them.
Q: I did a guided set up this evening with the new phone number but the call was unsuccessful. Shortly after that the phone rang, the caller display identified it as the number TiVo has dialled. Is this supposed to happen?
A: This is due to a "5" in the original telephone number triggering the BT "ring back" service when the line is engaged, BT then call you when it's free. You can manually cancel the ringback by dialling #37# after the engaged call. A nuisance but unfortunately no way around until more phone lines are installed.
Q: Why does the TiVo make 2 calls to AltEPG during Guided Setup?
A: The first call is to check your TiVo's status and confirm you are registered on the AltEPG system. The second call is the "biggie" when it downloads the EPG schedule data for you.
Q: How long should the second call take, it's been going for over an hour!?
A: Normally 15-20 minutes - but modems connect at different speeds depending on line conditions, e.g. if the phone line is "noisy". If it takes over an hour, disconnect and retry, as you'll likely get a better connection.
Q: Guided Setup doesn't recognise my postcode.
A: The AltEPG system no longer regionalises the UK, so we have a single numeric post-code. The post code for the AltEPG system is: 01000 See here.
If you enter this postcode, and the setup tells you it isn't valid - or doesn't recognise it - make sure that you have correctly registered your TiVo here.
See here for more suggestions.
Q: I selected "none of the above" and was told to ring 08702 418416 but no-one answers!
A: Do not ring that number - that is the number of the old TiVo customer service desk which no longer works.
Q: I tried installing AltEPG from a CD but I get an error saying "Restore failed: First target drive too small"
A: See this topic: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1450
Q: My TiVo says Account Status 4: TiVo Internal Testing - what's that!?
A: That means you are succesfully connected to the AltEPG system - congratulations!
Q: I've connected to AltEPG but my TiVo says Account Status 8: Closed !
A: Status code 8 means either:
- you have not successfully registered your TiVo with the AltEPG service.
(Hint: check you entered your TiVo serial number correctly - 8 and B look very similar! Try entering the number again - the system will tell you if you have already registered that number).
- you are dialling the wrong number (see here for numbers)
Q: My TiVo says this will only take 5 minutes!
A: You should treat any timings displayed on the screen (e.g. "this will take 5-10 minutes") as a rough guide only and do not expect them to be accurate. These are the timings for the original TiVo system - the AltEPG system will be different.
Q: The TiVo says 'Call Status: Succeeded' but the EPG data is missing?
A: It can take several hours for the TiVo to index the new guide data - the most reliable method to determine that the TiVo has finished indexing the EPG data is to wait until the phone connection menu has updated it's "Next Scheduled Call" date to show tomorrows date. Only then will you know that the EPG data is OK or missing. (more info)
Q: Indexing after Guided Setup has been going on for hours!
A: It can take up to 6 hours for the TiVo to index the new guide data. If you are repeating a Guided Setup and have lots of Season Passes or Wishlists then it can take considerably longer. One trick that sometimes works to speed things up is to remove all the channels from your lineup during GS and allow GS to complete and the indexing to finish (probably 3-4 hours if you have a satellite lineup). Then go back to "Channels You Receive" and select all the ones you want. If you have TivoWebPlus this is easy to do as you can pick the channels in a web browser. TiVo will then analyse your SP and WL programmes and add them to your ToDo list.
Q: Is there a list of channels anywhere that shows what is currently in the guide data?
A: Yes please see What channels are we fetching data for?
Q: Channel ABCXYZ is missing / has no guide data
A: We will not be providing data for all channels, however all the main channels will be supported.
The current list of supported channels is here.
If there is a channel that you would like added then make a request here and we will see if it can be added for you.
Q: TiVo says it has guide data for 2 weeks, but it actually only has data for the next 7 days.
A: While we are in "alpha testing" stage the AltEPG system is only sending out 7 days' worth of schedules. The 'nonag' channel contains dummy data going further ahead (because otherwise the tivo software nags you to make daily calls) and this is making the TiVo think it has data for 2 weeks rather than just the 1 week at present. When we move out of alpha testing then longer schedules (up to 14 days) will be available.
Q: The old system used to provide 21 days of data, why can't you?
A: The sources used for the guide data only have 14 days worth of data. If you can find a source on the internet that provides 21 days worth then please let us know!
Q: How much will the telephone calls cost?
A: That's very hard to say since it depends on (i) your phone provider (their rates are all different), (ii) the time of day (charges vary by time of day & day of week), (iii) whether you have an inclusive calls package !
The Guided Setup calls will take about 30 minutes. A Daily Call will take less than 5 minutes. Taking BT as an example and assuming a worst case example of no inclusive calls and with calls during peak daytime to the 01x number (7.6p/min + 13p connection charge) the Guided Setup will cost about £2.40 (remember this only needs to be done once!). The Daily Call will cost about 50p.
Q: Does AltEPG also have radio channels?
A: Radio channels are supported on Freeview and Sky (see here for Sky).
Q: I have Freesat but...
Q: I have Freesat but I'm getting the wrong channels
A: Make sure you have genuine "Freesat" and not "Freesat from Sky" which is deliberately named by BSkyB to confuse you! "Freesat from Sky" is simply a cutdown version of Sky and so you should always refer to this as "Sky" (e.g. during Guided Setup you should select "Sky" if you have "Freesat from Sky")
Q: Why have I lost all my Season Passes?
A: Season Passes use a special number to identify the series you want to record - this number is held in the guide data. Unfortunately the old numbers cannot be re-used and new numbers must be allocated in the AltEPG guide data. Therefore your old season passes won't work and you will need to wait for the series to be re-shown and then create a new season pass for it. Since you can't do this until the series is actually being shown (and you might miss it!) alternatively you can create a Wishlist for the title of the series - this should work just as well. (more info)
(Note: if you have a lot of Season Passes and can install scripts onto your TiVo, you could consider converting your Season Passes to "Title" Wish Lists using this conversion script.)
Q: First Run Only season passes aren't working
A: These rely on the Original Air Date being present in the guide data. We don't currently have this date so First Run Only passes won't work properly and you should use "Repeats & First Run" instead.
However, the series + episode numbers in the new guide (SnEn), allow you to set up a Wishlist which achieves the same thing.
e.g. to record the current series (7) of Desperate Housewives (and not the repeats of earlier series), set up a keyword Wishlist for: DESP* HOUSE* (S7*
An added bonus is that this single Wishlist automatically deals with clashes by recording on C4, C4P1, E4 or E4P1 as necessary, whereas you'd need a separate season pass for each channel to do the equivalent.
Oh and if you want to watch the next season - when S7 ends, simply edit the Wishlist to be S8.
Q: The schedule data is wrong, how do I fix it?
A: Post your comments in one of these special threads:
General programme errors
Generic descriptions that are too specific
Channel lineup issues
Genre errors
Q: Different episodes are showing the same description!
A: When data is added to the AltEPG database something has to be used for the series-wide "generic" description in the TVguide database. The description for the first episode found is often used for this. However, when the next episode in the series is shown it then displays the same "generic" description but which is wrong for this episode. You can help fix these errors by reporting them here.
Q: There is no Original Air Date in the guide data
A: Unfortunately we haven't found a reliable source of Original Showing Dates for UK programmes - if you find one then please let us know! However the new guide does contain series + episode numbers which should help you to identify which showing is which.
Q: How do I tell which version of AltEPG software is running on my TiVo?
A: Restart your TiVo. If you are running AltEPG 1.0c or later you will receive a TiVo Message which identifies the software version.
If you are running an earlier version you cannot tell from the TiVo UI. Instead you will need to use 'telnet' to log on to your TiVo and examine some files.
The relevant files are:
/etc/oztivo.conf -- if this file is not present then AltEPG is not installed (you're running the original TiVo software or some other pre-AltEPG hacked version).
/etc/altepg.version -- If this file is present it identifies the version of AltEPG installed (for AltEPG1.0b1 or later)
/etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit -- the size of this file indicates which version of AltEPG you are running, as follows:
* 26453 bytes = AltEPG1.0b
* 26656 bytes = AltEPG1.0b1
* 26886 bytes = AltEPG1.0b2 or AltEPG1.0c or AltEPG1.0c_1
* 29377 bytes = AltEPG1.0d
If the file size is not one of the above then you may be running an earlier (alpha test) version of AltEPG. The alpha test versions were released between May and June 2011 and were named as follows:
altepg3 (4 May 2011)
altepg5 (15 May 2011)
altepg6 (16 May 2011)
altepgv1 (16 May 2011)
altepg1.0a (10 June 2011)
There is no straightforward way of distinguishing the alpha test versions.
Q: I'm stuck, please can you help me?
A: If you get stuck then use the "Search" box on the top right of the page to see if your question has been asked before - most have been! If it hasn't already been asked then start a new topic and someone will help you. This is a very friendly forum and nearly everyone here uses a TiVo themselves.
Please make sure you post the following information in your help request (this will cut out a lot of to-and-fro and help you to get an answer quicker!):
- Code: Select all
1) Are you using the AltEPG TiVo software?
(a) bought a replacement disc with AltEPG preinstalled
(b) installed from a CD
(c) installed AltEPG image (not CD)
(d) I'm still using the original TiVo software
2) If you are using AltEPG TiVo software, which version?
(a) AltEPG 1.0b
(b) AltEPG 1.0c
(c) AltEPG 1.0d
(d) I don't know
3) How did you configure your TiVo for AltEPG?
(a) changed the dial prefix
(b) changed the dial-in configuration code
(c) manually edited 'AddrUK'
4) How do you connect to AltEPG?
(a) dial up
(b) network
5) Have you run Guided Setup?
(a) yes and it worked ok
(b) no - that's the problem!
(c) no
6) Did you do a "Clear & Delete"?
(a) "Clear & Delete Everything"
(b) "Clear & Delete Programme Data & To Do List"
(c) I didn't do a Clear & Delete
7) On the "System Information" screen it says:
(a) Account Status 4: TiVo Internal Testing
(b) 5: Lifetime Subscription
(c) 8: Account Closed
(d) Something else
8) Copy the following from the screen next to "Phone Call" on the "System Information" screen
Last Successful: ????????
Last Attempt: ????????
Last Status: ????????
Next Scheduled: ????????
Dial-In Configuration Code: ????????
9) What is your Dial Prefix?
(go to Phone Connection -> Change Dialling Options -> Set Dial Prefix and copy the number if present)
10) If you are using a network connection, how does your TiVo get its IP address?
b) Static address, set using nic_config_tivo
c) Static address, set using TiVo remote control (from http://www.altepg.com/network_configuration)
d) I haven't set it, it is done automatically but I don't know how
11) If you are using a network connection, what is:
a) Your TiVo's IP address
b) Your TiVo's Gateway address
c) Your TiVo's Netmask
d) Your Broadband router's internal IP address
e) Your Broadband router's external (internet) IP address
12) If you are using a network connection, how is your TiVo connected to your Broadband router?:
a) Direct ethernet connection
b) Ethernet connection via a switch
c) Wireless
d) Homeplug (or other networking-over-mains technology)
13) If you are using a network connection, what type of PC do you use?
a) Desktop/laptop PC running Windows XP or earlier
b) Desktop/laptop PC running Windows 7
c) Desktop/laptop PC running Windows 8
d) Desktop/laptop PC running Mac OS X
e) Desktop/laptop PC running Linux
f) Apple Ipad
g) Tablet running Android OS
14) If you are using a network connection, are you able to:
a) Connect to your TiVo using TiVoWebPlus?
b) Connect to your TiVo using Telnet?
c) Connect to your TiVo using FTP?
15) What username did you use when you registered your TiVo? (if different from the username you use on this forum)
16) Have you verified your TiVo ownership using the "Verify Ownership" option at http://www.altepg.com/am?
Looks like a lot of info but it's not really! (Hint: click on "Select All" to copy & paste into your post and then simply edit it as required!)
Additionally, if you are having problems connecting to the AltEPG server (i.e. you get errors reported during Guided Setup or Daily Call) and you can "telnet" onto your TiVo, then please post a copy of these files:
They usually contain enough information to diagnose what is going wrong. In particular it is easy to tell whether you're contacting the right server, and what is the serial number of your tivo.
If there are any mistakes in the FAQs then please "PM" me and I'll fix them. If you want to add something then please PM with the Question AND the Answer please!
If you just want more info on something then please use the "Search" box on the top right of this page and if you still can't find the answer then start a new topic and someone will help you.