OK, so now I have my tivo's on the same network and set to keep their IP numbers via dhcp, Is there a way to transfer tivo programs between the two?
say I record a great program on the tivo downstairs, is it possible to transfer the program (copy) it to the other tivo (upstairs).
I'm guessing FTP could do it (I use cyberduck, I'm a mac user, but cyberduck is now out for windows too). I'd open two sessions/widows, one for each tivo and just drag the program from one window to the other!
only thing I notice is that I can get into the ty & ty+ folders on the tivo but now and then they all have a red "x" or "!" (it's real small so not sure) in the bottom right corner of the folder image - I'm presuming this is a read only symbol.
is FTP the best way or is there a better way? I can also ftp via the browser by adding :3105 to the IP address and transfer from the tivo to the mac but can't seem to go the other way (prolly due to that red "x" thingy)