I can confirm that the RSS feed is still not working - it only includes posts to the forums which don't require a login. i.e. it only includes posts to the "General" forum.
I notice that I did receive posts for other forums up until the 14 May, which I imagine was the date at which the log in requirement was established for all forums except "General".
I really miss not being able to keep in touch with this project via RSS - unfortunately I just don't have the time to browse the forum manually
Is there any way a workaround could be found to implementing a feed which includes topics from all forums? I appreciate that creating a feed which includes posts to all forums effectively breaks the security of the login requirement (for anyone who knows the url for the RSS feed). If this is undesirable, perhaps one workaround might be to configure the feed to include all forums, but then introduce some "security by obscurity" into the feed url i.e. something like
http://feeds.feedburner.com/tivoland_3kdutg or even something less random, but only disclosed to those who request it.
The RSS feed URL could be distributed via PM, or more simply in a topic only accessible to those who have logged on. Just an idea? I hope it can be made to work?