mickb wrote:Fortunately there are some steps that are not necessary on a UK TiVo.
Summary of steps from OzTivo:-
1. cd /hack/etc
2. mkdir ircodes
3. cd ircodes
4. (Then FTP the 2 zip files to this directory on your OzTiVo)
5. unzip irSliceCreator.zip
6. unzip powerIRTools-0.1.zip
7. chmod a+x irSliceCreator.sh
8. cp irlock /hack/bin (This will put irlock in a directory that is in your PATH)
9. Setup with laptop near TV and Tivo.
10. Run irSliceCreator without arguments.
11. Select option '1' ('Determine target code length')
12. exit irSliceCreator
13. Run irSliceCreator, by specifying the command line arguments
14. Capture: Now choose option '3' ('Capture one key'), to capture one code
15. Test your captured code by using option '6'
16. Repeat the capture process for the remaining keys
17. use option '7' ('Output Codes to Device File')
18. updated the Tivo database with captured codes
19. execute "dbsetx XXXXXX/YY CableBoxCodeNum ZZZZZ "
20. Reboot Tivo
I've tried this process on an AltEpg imaged Tivo and it fails at step 11 with the following error "Failed to connect: no such file or directory". Any ideas?