Rachel wrote:You need to make it executable
- Code: Select all
chmod +x tar
and then (because it's not installed into the PATH) you should run it with a dot as the directory
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(p.s. also make sure it's FTP'd in "binary" mode and not "ascii").
Hi Rachel, thanks for putting me right, when it failed to un-compress the file I did a ftp copy of the full Hack folder on two machines, in binary, after a re-boot on one machine TiVoWeb ran ok after the copy process, on another I did the same thing and it refuses to run, now considering deleting the hack folder and trying the un-compress option using the tar settings you advised, strange how it worked on one and not on another unless it's something to do with the 'rc.sysinit.author' file, I'll check to see if there are any differences between the two.
Ok that makes more sense, there is no 'rc.sysinit.author' file on the second machine so TiVoWeb is not auto running, if I copy the details of the 'rc.sysinit.author' as detailed below into the /etc/rc.d folder and then re-boot would that work, do you think?
/var/hack/endpad.tcl -s 2 -e 4 -sugqual 0 -sugeq -auto >>/dev/null 2>&1 &
/var/hack/cron/cron &
/var/hack/tivoweb-tcl/autostart.tcl start >/tmp/autospace.err 2>&1
Took a chance and tried copying the file over but the folder must be read only, typed rw but it came back with 'rw: command not found' although I know I have used the rw command on other drives OK