Movie length

General Discussion

Re: Movie length

Postby mrtickle » Tue Aug 30, 2011 6:57 pm

spitfires wrote:
mrtickle wrote:an updated Tracker for 1.9.4

also works with 2.1 ;)

Indeed. Someone fixed it ;)

Right, below is my current document. Many thanks to millsb for making the test AltEPG image available as a tarball, without this the comparison would have been impossible.

As mentioned above, 1.9.4 wasn't updated after release but there were essential patches that were written by UK users on tivocommunity threads. Not everyone applied every patch (eg the "missing first/last programme in schedule" patch, or the Sky Radio fix) so it's a major headache when people shove up a ui.itcl file in a posting creating yet another branch. It was basically a roll-your-own system. New users always started from lightn's download, hit the genres/guide problems and then posted for help.

Summary: It looks feasible to merge the main branch and the AltEpg iso branch, but first I want to understand why the call to GetSAGenres was replaced and where the AltEpg version came from. Many of the mods are credited to A. O'Connell - was he a user on the OzTiVo team? It would explain why many of the our patches are missing. Does anyone know?

Main UK-tivocommunity branch (patches posted on tivocommunity)
1.9.4 final. Dec 2002/Jan 2003.
No images by default except recycle (deleted) image. Suggestion to make your own
default "export TIVOSH_POOLSIZE=2916352"; this will be insufficient with many modules.

Genrepatch, 30 Jan 2003.
Change to proc GetSAGenres in ui.itcl to handle multiple subgenres (a change to Tribune data)

NB: There were no official Tivoweb 1.9.4 releases after this point. UK Users generally reported errors on tivocommunity threads, and patches were posted in the thread. Sometimes complete "ui.itcl" files were posted. But there more issues there are the harder it becomes to track changes, particularly when people post complete "ui.itcl" files containing some but not all patches :-(.

Slotfree patch, 22 May 2003
LJ: patches to use 4 different icons to show clashes.
requires lj_utils.itcl support file.
Included in the main branch as so many people used it.

Guidefix, 5/6 Sep 2005.
Change to proc action_listings in ui.itcl:
LJ: fix for missing programmes in guide (first/last programme in schedule)
BobBlue: fix to LJ's code to remove last $stationid param to do_listingsrow lines (shouldn't've been there)

Nicer icons, 8 Nov 2005.
Posted by user TheEndless on tivocommunity, nicely rendered set including icons for LJ's slotfree patch (below)

Sky Radio fix, 1 Mar 2006.
Change to index.itcl and ui.itcl to add 1000 to stations with $affiliation == "{RADIO STATION}"
NB: patch to ui.itcl is in proc action_channellist, posted on forum only; moves radio stations to
end of list.

ukgenre.js file updates. Each time Tribune changed the genre and sub-genres, a new JS file had to be built.
reference post: viewtopic.php?p=4908#p4908
11 Nov 2002 - uk2.5.5 set for TiVoweb 1.9.4 release
30 Jan 2003 - multiple subgenres patch to tivoweb released
31 Jan 2003 - new top Genre Interests. Many renames including Auto renamed to Motoring; Billiards renamed to Snooker/Pool; Talk Shows renamed to Chat Shows
4 Feb 2003 - more renames including Soccer to Football, Auto Racing to Motor Racing
4 Dec 2004 - big load of changes, I made a diff at the time to here it is for completeness.
Sports/Arm Wrestling
Sports/Gaelic Football
Sports/Roller Derby
Sports/Sled Dogs
Sports/Yacht Racing

Sports/Drag Racing
Sports/Horse Racing
Action Adventure/Animation
Chat Shows/Entertainment
Chat Shows/Law
Interests/Card Games
News and Business/Law
Sci-Fi and Fantasy/Animation

Films/Action and Adventure -> Films/Action Adventure
Action and Adventure -> Action Adventure
Children/Action and Adventure -> Children/Action Adventure
Drama/Action and Adventure -> Drama/Action Adventure
Mystery and Suspense/Action and Adventure -> Mystery and Suspense/Action Adventure
Sci-Fi and Fantasy/Action and Adventure -> Sci-Fi and Fantasy/Action Adventure

6 Jul 2005 - Animation renamed to Animated everywhere; Youth sub-genre added

Then, no more changes detected for 4 years, until:
30 Dec 2009 - Sports/Dog Sledding sub-genre added (1009/94); Sci-Fi and Fantasty/Youth added (1014/120)

Patches for AltEPG/bugfixes
reference topic: viewtopic.php?f=8&t=903
Spitfires' fix to single actor names (eg Sting) and cope with actors names both ways around
v1 1st July 2011, v2 2nd July 2011
NB: posted 'complete' ui.itcl file includes A. O'Connell's CreateSeasonPass/UpdateSeasonPass
changes (below) but doesn't include Guidefix, 5/6 Sep 2005 (above)
Spitfires' fix to display Episode Numbers on programme rows and details screens.
new file zz_altepg.itcl which contains proc expand_epnum
NB: based on planned filling of EpisodeNum with special value which will contain
season/episode numbers in the post-TmsId guide data system which is still in testing.
Falls back to looking in the synopsis.

AltEPG image branch
Source: tarball Aug 2011 / unknown

html.itcl - header changed
# Anthony O'Connell v1.5 2003/12/06

httpd-tt.itcl & httpd-tt.tcl - URLs changed
"" out, "" in

summer.css - new stylesheet

util.itcl - misc. base64 changes

logos.itcl - more explanation text added (an Anthony O'Connell change)

# Modified from original to display FSID for each recorded show. It's not much
# use now since mfsstream replaces the tystream server. Might be handy, though.
# A. O'Connell v1.1 2003/12/07

* change to CreateSeasonPass/UpdateSeasonPass call to sched.itcl (bugfix for 3.0 tivo sw only - never seen before)

* Genrepatch, 30 Jan 2003 - call to GetSAGenres COMMENTED OUT replaced with
set genres [GetResourceData 655360 655377 655495 1 0]
* Guidefix, 5/6 Sep 2005 - MISSING
* Sky Radio fix - MISSING

sched.itcl - CreateSeasonPass/UpdateSeasonPass updated for correct padding in 3.0 tivo sw

ukgenre.js - XX original 11 Nov 2002 version

Custom Modules added:
tracker316 - OLD VERSION; AltEPG TmsId system still under development (mrtickle)
lj_utils.itcl support file for slotfree is included, and the conflict1/2/3/4 icons, but not the patches to ui.itcl to use it
confres.itcl - (sanderton) # Conflict resolution between two networked TiVos
whatson.itcl - (LJ) # Shows an hourly snapshot of what's on.
backup.itcl - NB AltEPG TmsId system still under development (gcobb)
grid.itcl - # Shows what's on in a grid.
mfsstream.itcl - Download Tystreams; uncredited
reboot.itcl - (sanderton) # Reboot the TiVo from TivoWeb
remount.itcl = Remount the TiVo Root Filesystem as Read-Write or Read-Only
spaceused.itcl - (Scott Presnell) NB bitrates hard-coded, so will be wrong for most TiVos (eg Mode0)

LJ's branch
lj_utils.itcl - 29 Dec 2002 (v1.0) -> 31 Jan 2004 (v3.5)
Support for slotfree, thumbs, conflict resolutions, etc.
patched version of ui.itcl - to display slotfree icons etc

patched version of httpd.itcl to add logging

LJ day-to-day: many miscellaneous patches to ui.itcl:
# 01Feb04 12:54 Added set thumbdata line back into get_thumbimage proc.
# 04Apr04 08:50 Added 'Record with default options' and 'Record with default options and CANCEL ANY CONFLICTS' options.
# Added text to WishListPass showings to show which WishList caused the match.
# 29May04 18:18 Modded action_series to skip shows on channels not watched. e.g. ITV regions.
# 30May04 08:58 Modded do_seriesrowtodo to skip shows on channels not watched.
# 09Jul05 10:58 Modded action_showing to display Tracker watched date.
# 09Jul05 14:45 Modded do_seriesrowtodo to flag if watched before.
# 04Sep05 13:28 Modded action_lisings to include the full day!
# 04Sep05 15:18 Modded action_series to not display duplicate upcoming showings.
# 04Sep05 16:24 Modded do_seriesrow and do_seriesrowtodo to show TmsId.
# 06Jan07 15:34 Modded action_showing to add a "Get an SP with default options" link.
# 25Aug08 08:40 Use basic quality by default for radio channels.

mrtickle's branch
UTF-8 HTML header fix, mrtickle unreleased
change to httpd-tt.tcl for correct display of Tribune accented characters in guide data:
# nb: AltEPG currently doesn't insert these characters in the data correctly
# print_html_header_200 $chan "text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" ""
print_html_header_200 $chan "text/html; charset=utf-8" ""

CSS fixes, undated/uncredited:
in adams.css, daynight.css, sortof.css, technophobe.css, technophobe2css
width: 100% commented out
source: a tivocommunity
Hallowe'en css file saved out of hidden base64 code for normal use.
Technophobe2d.css - css fixes for the curvy corners in more browsers.

mfsbrowser module, split datetime column into separate date+time with better date formatting

webremote module, cater for image of UK remote control instead of the USA Sony image
source: a tivocommunity

index module, also store TmsId, ZipCode, ServerId for each channel

ui2 module - more fields displayed in many pages
merged with LJ's day-to-day patches where possible; not always possible.
updated search/wishlists files to fit fields in
linked to tvguide Db for editing data
reimplementation of parts of Edittitle script for editing guide data in MFS

lj_utils updated 28 Jul 2005 (v3.6) (alt text)
links to my TiVo logos, TivoWebPlus 2.1.b3 UK-20120818, Tracker v3.3.3 & v3.3.4 (17th Jun 2013), GDchecker v1.06b, Digiguide checker v0.4.3-rc5 and Autospace v1.65 can all be found in this post.
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Re: Movie length

Postby spitfires » Wed Aug 31, 2011 5:39 pm

Awesome work MrT! ;)
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