Ant wrote:If you can put a whole number in the prefix field then that sounds hopeful - does TiVo try to authenticate with a particular username/password, do you know? (In any case I assume that there are a few 0845 ISPs who accept whatever credentials you happen to specify.)
Yes, as somebody else pointed out already, the username & password, and the IP addresses, are in /etc/tclientUK.conf
On the issue of TiVo wanting its guide data from a specific IP address, presumably this CAN be changed by an update down the line during the daily call - so if those instructions can be spoofed that opens two possible options, either of a 'new dialup number' which just connects to a closed system pretending to be the ISP and TiVo server in one, and is used by ALL users for ALL daily calls, OR a similar 'one shot' dialup number which could do nothing other than inform any connecting TiVos that the new daily call number is 0845-BT-Click and the new server address is That would make it easier as it'd take the burden of handling potentially hundreds of daily calls away from the phone-connection side of any replacement system.
That does involve creating /two/ server services ... which might be an issue given the timescale. Quickest for /me/ would be to set up a ppp dial-up server on it's own subnet, and use a firewall box I have to redirect attempts to access the TiVo servers off to a new server. If I can find a 56K modem, I could do that right now.