mrtickle wrote:No-one here has that mentality.
I seem to have seen a bit of that attitude by some of the AltEPG developers in relation to the issue of the importance or otherwise of providing adequate dialup capacity to support unmodified Tivo boxes on the AltEPG. Fortunately Tivo have now chosen to provide some extra breathing space that will probably allow enough time for that issue to be addressed.
It is clearly very unfortunate that dialup requires so much more capacity during the initial conversion phase than for subsequent ongoing day to day call handling.
Whilst it is true that if people buy a Cachecard and a new hard drive they won't then need to dial up any more I suspect most S1 users would probably rather spend the £180 required on buying a Freesat HD or Freeview HD box. So therein lies the dilemma.
The only solution I can think of is for some ISP with lots of dialup modem capacity that is now largely unused due to declining demand being prepared to configure a bank of those modems to work with a Tivo's ancient data transfer protocols. The costs of providing enough capacity with the AltEPG's own phone lines might be rather high and hence nobody really wants to have to pick up the bill for that.