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kickstart codes on tivo central altepg

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 10:13 pm
by jonmon
Hi there
I have a couple of things to ask. First of all I am getting a different theme on TiVo web, it is orange and black and it is a Halloween theme. How did it get changed and has anyone else had the same thing happen to them? Also I want to change my altepg TiVo to mode 4 from mode0. Is the TiVo central altepg the same as tivolands, can I use the same kickstart codes? One other thing I would like to know and is there anyway to take away the black gap I have at the bottom of the picture. Its about an inch high and the top of the picture is chopped off. I have tried all the picture settings on the TV and on the freesat box. What would make this happen? It only happens with the TiVo.
Thanks for any help

Re: kickstart codes on tivo central altepg

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:34 pm
by mrtickle
jonmon wrote:Hi there
I have a couple of things to ask. First of all I am getting a different theme on TiVo web, it is orange and black and it is a Halloween theme. How did it get changed and has anyone else had the same thing happen to them?

It's an "Easter Egg" in tivoweb (or rather, a pumpkin). It happens each year on Hallowe'en day if the right bit of TiVoweb notices the date.

Re: kickstart codes on tivo central altepg

PostPosted: Mon Oct 31, 2011 11:50 pm
by jonmon
Ok thanks for the reply :D

Re: kickstart codes on tivo central altepg

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 8:21 am
by healeydave
jonmon wrote:Is the TiVo central altepg the same as tivolands, can I use the same kickstart codes?
Thanks for any help

There isn't a Tivo Central AltEPG per-say, Mike is supplying disks with settings to allow users to use AltEPG, I would imagine he provides a set of instructions as to what options are available with the disks.

Re: kickstart codes on tivo central altepg

PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:00 pm
by jonmon
Thanks for that :D
I didn't getting instructions on the codes or how to witch of mode 0. I think. I will give them a phone.