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Upgrade advice needed. (Yes its TiVo related!!!!!)

PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 11:51 am
by guv
My UK TiVo, which I personally upgraded a few years ago by the addition of a 120GB drive looks like its on deaths door. I now get the green "severe error" screen - which wont go. I assume one or both the hds have become corrupt?

Anyway, I am looking to replace this pairing with a single larger drive.

Is there anything different that needs to be done because of this pairing, or is it still just a straight swapover?


PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 6:55 pm
by healeydave
Hi Guy,

If you thinking of buying one of our Upgrade Drives , then yes its a simple swap over. Simply remove the two old drives and replace with one of our 250Gb, 300Gb or 400GB units.
