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Extracting using MS_FTP

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 1:55 pm
by steveroe
Hello all, I'm a complete n00b when it comes to extracting programs from TiVo and I'm having problems getting started with ms_ftp.

My Tivo is running AltEpg 1.0c and ms_ftp is running and accepts connections on port 3105, however will not then allow directory listings or anything else, just either closing the connection or timing out. I'm sure I must be missing something elementary ... :oops:

Example log from FileZilla:
Code: Select all
Status:   Connecting to
Status:   Connection established, waiting for welcome message...
Response:   220 Mfs_Ftp ver 1.2.9p - {sock16} from ""
Command:   USER anonymous
Response:   331 User name okay, need password.
Command:   PASS **************
Response:   230 Running in TiVo Mode.
Status:   Connected
Status:   Retrieving directory listing...
Command:   PWD
Response:   257 "/" is current directory.
Command:   TYPE I
Response:   200 Type set to I
Command:   PORT 192,168,1,78,16,59
Error:   Connection closed by server
Error:   Failed to retrieve directory listing

Re: Extracting using MS_FTP

PostPosted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 4:59 pm
by mrtickle
On my tivo sometimes it just can't get the dir listing and you have to keep trying (it's like tivoweb with all the BackgroundHoldoffs - you just catch the tivo at a good moment).

If you telnet onto your tivo and find where mfs_ftp is running from, there is a logfile there which may have more info about what's going wrong.