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Red Button Recording

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:20 am
by CentreCourt
Is it possible for TiVo to record a "Red Button Program"? I'm assuming not as it wouldn't be possible for TiVo to "activate" this service.

I can continue to set red button on my Sky Planner, but I always like to have a TiVo Back-Up. In fairness the fact that Sky allows you to record a red button program at all is impressive.

Re: Red Button Recording

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 12:56 pm
by mrtickle
CentreCourt wrote:Is it possible for TiVo to record a "Red Button Program"? I'm assuming not as it wouldn't be possible for TiVo to "activate" this service.

Tivo can't change the channel to it, but there is a work-around - you can always set up a longer manual recording on any channel, let tivo fail the channel-change, and then manually (or automatically via the Planner) change the channel on the Sky STB a few minutes later.

I can continue to set red button on my Sky Planner, but I always like to have a TiVo Back-Up. In fairness the fact that Sky allows you to record a red button program at all is impressive.

Hmm, well I think you've rather fallen for Sky's propaganda - being able to record everything that is broadcast with no fuss is the minimum you should expect. As it's not a channel number it breaks TiVo's system so an external recording device will always have trouble - but Sky's system is integrated and there should be no excuse for it not being there, or amazement if it is there! Are the radio programmes properly in the EPG with series links yet? No, obviously not ( ... -channels/) - Sky+ users have been waiting since 2002 for that basic function, and a 10-year delay is apparently acceptable.

Re: Red Button Recording

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 3:30 pm
by ByTheCringe
mrtickle wrote: As it's not a channel number it breaks TiVo's system

Not sure you're right about this. From the OP's handle, I assume he/she is a tennis fan, and it was to catch the red button match continuations at Wimbledon that I used red button. I later tuned my Humax to the red button channel ( I think it is or was channel 105). Never got anywhere with it, cos all it ever said was to press the red button on a BBC channel, so I stopped including it in my Freeview line-up. Think it really meant the red button on Sky. But it might work on some Freeview kit.

Re: Red Button Recording

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:05 pm
by CentreCourt
ByTheCringe wrote:
mrtickle wrote: As it's not a channel number it breaks TiVo's system

Not sure you're right about this. From the OP's handle, I assume he/she is a tennis fan, and it was to catch the red button match continuations at Wimbledon that I used red button.

I like the thought pattern there. The handle is tennis linked but it isn't exactly the reason for using the red-button. There are occasions when Sky have too many sports on at the same time that the four channels don't suffice. On these occasions Sky will sceduled the fifth event behind the Red Button. You can pre-select Sky+ to record this as if it were a programme on a 'normal' channel. Equally regular programs are available like this. For example when the NFL is shown live on the Sky Sports, behind the Red Button they have a live programme covering every game in progress. This is available the request to record a week in advance.

Wouldn't say this is Sky propganda to be honest, as I don't believe they've made this particularly public. Personally I think if you've paid for four sports channels, allowing you access to five different live sports is a reasonable gesture.

Re: Red Button Recording

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2012 6:13 pm
by mrtickle
the red button is mapped to a channel number on some platforms but not others.