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Is EndPad working under 1.0d?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:19 pm
by Gilly
I belive my EndPad is not working under 1.0d although I thought it was activated by default.

The programmes do not appear to be padded and the endpad log shows lots of entries similar to this
Code: Select all
Monday 11:53:26 : 
Monday 11:53:26 :  endpad.tcl 1.5.4 log file, starting up
Monday 11:53:26 :  Start padding set to 120 seconds
Monday 11:53:26 :  End padding set to 120 seconds
Monday 11:53:26 :  Negative start padding set to 0 seconds
Monday 11:53:26 :  Force Negative startpadding is 0
Monday 11:53:26 :  Suggestions will be padded, even if that means cancelling a subsequent suggestion
Monday 11:53:26 :  Detected TiVo software version 2.5.5-01-1-023
Monday 11:53:26 :  Suggestion quality change disabled
Monday 11:53:26 :  Timezone 00:00
Monday 11:53:26 :  Sorted configuration options (last match used):-
Monday 11:53:26 :    startpad 2 endpad 2 negpad 0 forceneg 0 maxneg -1 sugqual -1
Monday 11:53:26 :  Woken up
Monday 11:53:26 :  Error detected
Monday 11:53:26 : can't read "rectype": no such variable
    while executing
"if {$rectype == 3 || $debugfsid} {

        # Recording active
        set isrec 1

        # Get details of currently recording programme
Monday 11:53:26 :  Attempting to recover
Monday 11:53:57 :  Woken up
Monday 11:53:58 :  Error detected
Monday 11:53:58 : can't read "rectype": no such variable
    while executing
"if {$rectype == 3 || $debugfsid} {

        # Recording active
        set isrec 1

        # Get details of currently recording programme
Monday 11:53:58 :  Attempting to recover
Monday 11:53:58 :  Too many errors, stopping

Re: Is EndPad working under 1.0d?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 9:12 pm
by DX30
Looks like when endpad tried to start you didn't have any recordings setup - a new disk by any chance? Once you have several future recordings set try restarting the TiVo.

Re: Is EndPad working under 1.0d?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:25 pm
by Gilly
Ahh - a Clear and Delete Everything followed by a GS is probably the culprit then.

I will reboot tomorrow and report back.

Possibly something to include in the installation instructions!?

Re: Is EndPad working under 1.0d?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 1:03 am
by millsb
I've added a note to the release notes: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1242&p=12091#p12091

Also note that Endpad has been updated recently[1] (see ... readme.txt) and the new version (1.5.5) says it provides a fix for this particular bug. If someone would like to try that out and confirm it works OK with AltEPG1.0d I'll make a downloadable patch for it.

[1] well "recently" compared to the last time it was updated...

Re: Is EndPad working under 1.0d?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 07, 2012 11:41 pm
by Gilly
The restart worked a treat, thanks Millsb

It also invoked the Autospace banner for the first time

Re: Is EndPad working under 1.0d?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:28 am
by mrtickle
millsb wrote:I've added a note to the release notes: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1242&p=12091#p12091

Also note that Endpad has been updated recently[1] (see ... readme.txt) and the new version (1.5.5) says it provides a fix for this particular bug. If someone would like to try that out and confirm it works OK with AltEPG1.0d I'll make a downloadable patch for it.

[1] well "recently" compared to the last time it was updated...

Ah, more good work by spitfires I see! :)

I highly recommend the -bookmark option, which was previously a patch by petestrash. It puts the start point at the programme's scheduled start time, so for the majority of programmes that do start on time, you have the padding available but don't have to seek through it to get to the start of the programme.

Re: Is EndPad working under 1.0d?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 08, 2012 7:42 am
by Gilly
That seems to be the case already - selecting the programme from NP shows "Resume Playing" and a start time two minutes into the padded duration.

I actually saw the end of a BBC2 programme for the first time in ages last night. Sterling work chaps (and chapesses).