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tivo web ? message

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 7:30 pm
by dotdot
this might sound like a stupid question - so excuse me in advance.

i have an altepg image in my tivo... which has been causing a few probs of late (nothing recent .. i'm happy to say).

anyway the other day i saw a message saying

"you can now use tivo web using ... etc etc"
i noted it at the time and thought cool i'll come back to this when i have time.
(ie to take a note of the detail!!)

now i have time - the message is gone... cough !!

can someone kindly advise me on ... how i can use this 'legendary' fuctionality ?



Re: tivo web ? message

PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:23 pm
by Furbag
Well as long as your TiVo is networked then just type in the IP address of your TiVo into your browser on a pc thats on your home network and in you go 8)

If your not sure what the IP address is and your using an altEPG image then if you reboot TiVo it will tell you the IP address in the messages after the boot.

Hope that helps