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altepg image or not

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 4:33 pm
by wolfyjy

I have 2 tivos, one with cachecard which uses the nic for downloads, one without cachecard which uses the modem for downloads, these obviously use altepg but they don't have an actual 'altepg' image. Is it worthwhile installing an altepg image on these ? what are the advantages ?

Also I have found the dialup tivo fails a lot lately, it takes about 40 mins per call, is this normal ?



Re: altepg image or not

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 5:50 pm
by DX30
wolfyjy wrote:Is it worthwhile installing an altepg image on these ? what are the advantages ?

If you already have the TiVo's working I'd personally just leave them alone. The altepg image comes with many hacks (e.g. endpad, tivoweb) already installed but if needed these can be installed on a standard TiVo as well. That way you wouldn't lose your existing recordings, season passes etc.

wolfyjy wrote:Also I have found the dialup tivo fails a lot lately, it takes about 40 mins per call, is this normal ?

No it's not normal, but having said that I have noticed dialup failing recently myself. With a serial bash prompt I can ping when dialup is in us, so internet connectivity is there, but the tclient log shows the calls fails with a timeout on

Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/http_post /var/log/svclog OFF OFF ON

So I'm not sure what is happening.

Re: altepg image or not

PostPosted: Wed May 16, 2012 8:10 pm
by healeydave
A basic rule of thumb, if you have run down your recordings and have a relatively empty TiVo or you have a failing disk and you need to do a rebuild anyway, you should really go the AltEPG image route.

It will give you pretty much all the hacks you might desire, It will give you far superior networking & dialup functionality and set you up for painless upgrades to any future AltEPG features.

If you have a lot of recordings and a functioning system, you might as well wait until the above scenario is reached.

Re: altepg image or not

PostPosted: Thu May 17, 2012 7:20 am
by wolfyjy
thanks for the advice, I think I will use the altepg image on the dialup as it has no recordings and I will then be able to schedule the daily calls for 3am, to see if that helps with the download