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altEPG Status

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:06 pm
by pemills
Is there somewhere I can go to check on the current status of connecting and downloading the altEPG guide data as my three TiVo's have not been able to connect and download any data, I have checked my network connections and everything seem to be OK but to have three TiVo's not connecting seems a little strange and would indicate a outside network issue, the latest successful connection occurred on the 21st May

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:33 pm
by millsb
Goto and login with the username and password you used when you registered your TiVos. You'll be able to check when each TiVo last contacted the server. However I think this will just confirm what you already know - that none of your TiVos has got through to the server since 21st May.

Has anything changed on your internal network recently? Has your internet gateway IP address changed? Are the TiVos all running altepg with DHCP (in which case a restart should fix it?) or do you have static IP addresses (so would need to run nic_config_tivo to sort out any gateway change)?

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 5:46 pm
by pemills
Thanks for the quick reply, nothing has changed as far as my network is concerned although all the TiVo's talk to the network router via powerline ethernet adapters so it's not inconceivable that the master unit has developed a fault so will check that out first.

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 9:33 pm
by pemills
Sadly that did not seem to be problem, I can ping the TiVo's so there is not problem communicating with the TiVo's so I am now really stuck for ideas, anything that you may want to suggest I would really appreciate hearing your ideas.

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Fri May 25, 2012 10:32 pm
by millsb
I think we need to add this to the FAQ:

Troubleshooting Guide : my Networked TiVo's daily calls keep failing.

Perform the following steps and let us know where it goes wrong
1. "ping" your TiVo from a PC on your internal network
2. "telnet" onto your TiVo
3. "ping" the AltEPG server ( from your TiVo
4. look at /var/log/tclient . This should give an indication of what is going wrong.
5. If you don't understand /var/log/tclient, send it to the server for analysis using this command:
Code: Select all
http_post /var/log/tclient OFF OFF ON

6. Provide the following details of your TiVo and internal network:
a) TiVo IP address, network mask and gateway address
b) TiVo's type of network card
c) Your broadband router's internal address
d) Your broadband router's external address

Please also read this post: viewtopic.php?f=16&t=670#A143 and answer all the questions there (or at least those that are relevant to this issue).

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:07 am
by pemills
I have had a quick look at what the tclient log has as it's last few lines of entry which I have pasted below,

connect failed, reason = Connection timed out
05/26:00:17:10: /tvbin/TClient: about to do TCD411 Call
05/26:00:17:10: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/TCD411.send /var/tmp/TCD411.recv 300 ON
05/26:00:20:19: /tvbin/TClient: http POST command failed: connect failed, reason = Connection timed out
05/26:00:20:19: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 0
05/26:00:20:19: /tvbin/TClient: Connect/POST has failed, we've warned the user, set status to Failed
05/26:00:20:19: /tvbin/TClient: failed connect - aborting
05/26:00:20:19: /tvbin/TClient: Will kill pppd
05/26:00:20:25: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: Failed ST| 33 14
Saving 'ST|14' to result file
05/26:00:20:25: /tvbin/TClient: writing Failed to LastCallStatus
05/26:00:20:25: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|14
05/26:00:20:25: /tvbin/TClient: TClient login: 1
05/26:00:20:25: /tvbin/TClient: TClient backhaulDone: 0

I will check out the other options that you suggested as soon as I can but in the mean time is there anything in the entry that points you in the direction as to what is going wrong?

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 10:32 am
by millsb
It still looks like a problem with your internal network. Have you tried step 3? No point looking at the tclient log file unless step 3 works.

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 11:26 am
by pemills
Step 3 fails, sent 56 data bytes but got no reply back not even an acknowledgement of the ping command

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 12:00 pm
by pemills
I have attempted to send the tclient log file to you using the listed command after telneting to the tivo but I cannot tell if it has actually been sent as there was no response back from the cmd shell, can you say if it has been received?

Oh ignore that there has been a response back saying "connect failed, reason = Connection timed out" listed twice which is probably because I hit paste and return twice

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 12:13 pm
by millsb
If step 3 is failing then you need to go straight to step 6. You've got no connectivity from tivo to the outside world, so the tclient log won't tell us anything we don't already know.

Please, provide all the information that has been asked for. If you don't know how to get the information, say so and I'll help, but at the moment I feel like I'm working in the dark.

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 2:32 pm
by pemills
Thanks for your help with this, in answer to your questions I have listed them below

a) TiVo IP address -, network mask - and gateway address -
b) TiVo's type of network card - Cachecard
c) Your broadband router's internal address -
d) Your broadband router's external address -

I am hoping that I have given the correct information as my router calls c & d different names such as Gateway IP Address which I took to be the external address and Internal Port to be internal address.

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 3:35 pm
by millsb
I don't think either of those addresses is your router's internal address. I think is its external address. Not sure about but it's probably the server you connect to.
You need to find the internal address. How did you find its external address? You must have connected to the router to do that. You would have been connecting using its internal address....
If your PC(?) is able to connect to the internet then it must know the router's internal address. Type 'ipconfig' from cmd prompt.
NB I asked the following questions earlier:
Has anything changed on your internal network recently? Has your internet gateway IP address changed? Are the TiVos all running altepg with DHCP (in which case a restart should fix it?) or do you have static IP addresses (so would need to run nic_config_tivo to sort out any gateway change)?

Are you able to answer those?

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 4:53 pm
by pemills
Sorry if I supplied the wrong info, I logged onto the router ( and pulled those details from the Router Status page, from the cmd/ipconfig it shows the IPv4 address as subnet Default Gateway

As a said before nothing, to my knowledge, has changed on the network, nothing I have done anyway, not all TiVo's are running altEPG some are using original hacked TiVo firmware, some are using Hooch and one or two are using altEPG all with fixed IP addresses as I like to know what IP address to use when connecting and using TiVoWeb, if it had been just one I would not have been surprised but all the TiVo's at the same time is really weird, I am starting to think that maybe my router has developed a fault or maybe the internal settings have become corrupted, if that is possible!!

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 4:59 pm
by pemills
Sorry I forgot to do a nic_config_tivo to check the network card settings as you asked, all is as it was before ip address ip subnet mask and ip gateway
debug level= off
daily call = network
cache statistics = 0

Re: altEPG Status

PostPosted: Sat May 26, 2012 5:57 pm
by pemills
OK panic over, it would appear that my router had been somehow corrupted, I swapped over to an old router with all my old settings and now everything seems to be performing as it should be, thanks for your patience and assistance, just goes to show I maybe should have gone with my gut feeling that the router was at fault and looked at that first :roll: