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Duplicate TiVo Service Number in AltEPG Database

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:16 pm
by nickbooth
I came back home this evening to discover a message on my TiVo saying that the service was closed. Sure enough when I checked the Account Status it was "8: Closed". Reading the FAQ, it indicated that this might have been caused by me not having registered the TiVo with AltEPG. I logged into my AltEPG account and discovered that I had indeed not registered this particular TiVo. However, when I tried to add this fourth TiVo to my account I got the following message:

"Error: TiVo service number 023000060xxxxxx already exists in our database. Please check that you have entered it correctly. If you are sure it is right, please seek help via the altEPG forum:"

What can I do about this?


...Nick B

Re: Duplicate TiVo Service Number in AltEPG Database

PostPosted: Fri Sep 14, 2012 11:12 pm
by millsb
PM sent.

Re: Duplicate TiVo Service Number in AltEPG Database

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 7:58 am
by healeydave
Hmmm, if your TiVo was already downloading from AltEPG, it shouldn't have just closed for no reason.
If you never registered this TiVo on your own account, it's possible a previous owner had already registered it which would explain why it was working fine but not why it closed abruptly.
That could happen if the previous owner deleted the TiVo from their account, but again that's not likely as you stated the database thinks the TiVo is registered.

Re: Duplicate TiVo Service Number in AltEPG Database

PostPosted: Sat Sep 15, 2012 11:55 am
by nickbooth
Appears to be all sorted now - thank you both for your assistance!


...Nick B