Failed - call interrupted

I keep getting a call interrupted failure on a daily call over the network, test calls are fine, and I can't work out what's going on...
Can any of you guys point me in the right direction, please?
The last section of the tclient log seems to suggest the connection is timing out for some reason
I keep getting a call interrupted failure on a daily call over the network, test calls are fine, and I can't work out what's going on...
Can any of you guys point me in the right direction, please?
The last section of the tclient log seems to suggest the connection is timing out for some reason
- Code: Select all
12/23:13:28:30: /tvbin/TClient: about to do HServer Call
12/23:13:28:30: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/HServer.send /var/tmp/HServer.recv 300 ON
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 1
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: reading HTTP header...
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Date: Sun, 23 Dec 2012 13:28:31 GMT
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Vary: Accept-Encoding
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Connection: close
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: Got end of Header
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: read 1565 but Content-Length = 0
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: SvrResp::readBlock returned: 1
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: Start SvrResp =====================
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: errMessage:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: version: 3
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: code: 1
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: softwareList: & chksum#0xA7D4BFBD3A1B232BABABCC7AA2B4ABE2849F5F75|& chksum#0xC8C09F9C80A8320BED2AB5FB924B31716A14DF38|& chksum#0xEC3D23EFC58C3E062C45CFC3FD6A8DCF78C4D910|& chksum#0x40461D67C186E9708E90C738D0D1A2E7E49F2347|& chksum#0x038D19066D382AE6A0090FDAEB98B1A14EE15B1A|& chksum#0x639D4E2F9181822FC280EE95A0E965CE138078BA|& chksum#0x044975C806382F3C98499B1EDB8AF32BE95DC312|
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelPrv: NONE
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelPub: NONE
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelLog: NONE
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelThumb: @
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: timeService: /bin/ntpdate -b
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: sequenceCookie: 12345678
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: inventoryFile:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: noPrivBackhaul: -1
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: serviceState: 3
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: stateExpiration: 0
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: swSystemName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: infoCode:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: tcdMessage:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: globalMessages:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: keyServer:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: forceBackhaul: 0
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: publicLogFilter: [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: dbLoadOrder: PG.*
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: regenToken: 0
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: backhaulDataOn: 1
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: personalDataOn: 0
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: dataGroupList:
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: End SvrResp =======================
12/23:13:28:34: /tvbin/TClient: Connect/POST(s) succeeded
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: current AreaCode object is OK
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: getCurPhoneNum : dialinprefix = ''
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: getCurPhoneNum : +dialinareacode = ''
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: getCurPhoneNum : +dialinnum = ''
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: TFA is 0
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: Not overwriting 1 with 0
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: process411 returned: 0
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 34 26
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|34
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: ServiceInfo DataGroupList attribute was not sent by the service
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: Setting ServiceInfo PublicLogFilter attribute to [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 34 26
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|34
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul: 1
12/23:13:28:35: /tvbin/TClient: Setting ServiceInfo ForceBackhaul attribute to 0
12/23:13:28:36: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul2
12/23:13:28:36: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul3
12/23:13:28:36: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 35 21
12/23:13:28:36: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|35
12/23:13:28:36: /tvbin/TClient: processing timeService: /bin/ntpdate -b
12/23:13:28:36: /tvbin/TClient: parsed ntpdate args of -b
12/23:13:28:36: /tvbin/TClient: about to run: /bin/ntpdate -b
12/23:13:28:38: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress DL| 36 23
12/23:13:28:38: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 DL|36
12/23:13:28:38: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress DL| 38 16
12/23:13:28:38: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 DL|38
12/23:13:28:38: /tvbin/TClient: sw system name 2.5.5-01-1-023 is already current
12/23:13:28:38: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP GET: /tvbin/http_get -U -D /var/packages -T 02300006022D5F3 -C 1356269236 -d
12/23:13:31:38: /tvbin/TClient: http GET command failed: timeout waiting for data
12/23:13:31:38: /tvbin/TClient: Download failure: 1
12/23:13:31:38: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/http_post /var/log/svclog OFF OFF ON
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: Failed while POSTing downloaded files stats: timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: no comm log file to post
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: backHaulDone is 1
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: registerNewSoftware: getting SwSystemName
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: Software system 2.5.5-01-1-023 is present and active
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: Creating Dialup Message...
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: Calling event send 23 DATA_MESSAGES 0
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: Failed DL| 38 16
Saving 'DL|16' to result file
12/23:13:34:39: /tvbin/TClient: writing Failed to LastCallStatus
12/23:13:34:40: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|16
12/23:13:34:40: /tvbin/TClient: TClient login: 1
12/23:13:34:40: /tvbin/TClient: TClient backhaulDone: 1