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Daily call fail -what's happened

PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 1:15 am
by anyoneinracks
My TIVO has been sitting there quite happy since I went ALTEPG (as soon as my "lifetime" subscription died), does not get a lot of use, but catches things that the more modern and less soffisticated recorders miss.
Then I find on 26 August it can no longer connect to the server (via the internet) to get it's EPG. I can quite happily telnet or chat using my tivoweb browser.
What has changed?
(Yes I have switched it off and on again. (Not on and off again 'cos things never work after that))

Re: Daily call fail -what's happened

PostPosted: Mon Sep 02, 2013 11:22 pm
by millsb
Nothing has changed at the server end. You can look the server logs for your tivo at to see what calls got through to the server. It looks OK on 26/8 then nothing until 31/8 when a call gets through and logs the fact that 6 previous calls failed. You'll need to telnet onto your tivo and look at its log files (/var/log/tclient in particular) to find out what is going wrong.

Re: Daily call fail -what's happened

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:08 pm
by anyoneinracks
Thanks, thought I had better check.
It looks like my Tivo has decided its address is Which makes it a bit difficult to comunicate with it, even to give it a sensible IP address.

Re: Daily call fail -what's happened

PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2013 7:42 pm
by jrg
then you probably had some sort of network router/DHCP glitch at some point, and the TiVo couldn't renew its DHCP lease and/or get a new IP address.

Not sure if there's a way to get it to try again, through the Menus, or whether you'll just need to restart it at a convenient moment.