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Possible to restart Tivo without running hacks?

PostPosted: Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:02 pm
by martinveasey
Did something perhaps a little silly.

Whilst aiming to get IR codes for our new STB, I unpacked the ircodes.tar into my /hack directory.

On rebooting, I find that I can't access the Tivo via telnet, ftp or TivoWeb - the reboot seems to proceed and I get a Tivo Message with the correct IP address but the Tivo's not talking. Additionally it's not performing its external daily calls.

Is there a way to get it to reboot in a plain non-hacked way or do I need to pull the drive onto a PC? Would you expect that putting the ircodes scripts into /hack would just grind the start-up process to a halt?


Re: Possible to restart Tivo without running hacks?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:09 am
by martinveasey
Thanks for reading this.

I left the Tivo alone overnight and things looked better in the morning - managed to Telnet in and remove the offending files from the hack directory. Now proceeding with them installed elsewhere where they won't interfere with booting.

Presumably the hack autoload on boot has a timeout on a per item basis! :)
