Lost programmes
Sat Sep 06, 2014 10:15 am
by baward
With all my toings and froings with the Tivo, I have reached the state that I am unable to connect to the Altepg service for some unknown reason and I am now stuck in the Guided Setup, with no way to progress to the Now Playing screen. Since I have pretty much given up on getting this Tivo to connect properly, is there as way to bypass the Guided Setup and get to Now Playing? I have some programmes recorded which I'd like to see if possible, but I will accept it if this is impossible.
I am not a computer person, so I wouldn't be able to remove the hard drive to copy the programmes over to a PC.
Many thanks,
Re: Lost programmes
Sat Sep 06, 2014 6:22 pm
by DX30
Since you say you would be unable to remove the drive to copy recordings from it I assume you are probably running the original TiVo software. If so I think you are stuck.
If by any chance you have previously removed the drive from your tivo and reimaged it on a PC with the altepg image downloaded from this site, or bought a new tivo drive from tivoland that already has this version of the tivo software, then it is possible to abort a guided setup using kickstart code 54.
http://www.tivoland.com/altepgiso/index.htmlEdit: Looking back at your previous posts it looks like you do have the altepg image so a kickstart 54 should work.
- Code: Select all
When Powering up the TiVo (from the mains), you need to press and hold the Pause button on the TiVos remote control, so the LED on the remote is constantly flashing and sending a signal. A couple of seconds after the Powering Up screen appears on the TV, you should see both LEDs on the front of the TiVo lite up an Amber colour.
Once both TiVo LEDs have both lit up Amber, you can let go of the Pause button and you have several seconds to key in the code sequence 5 then 4. If you take too long to enter the code sequence, the TiVo will continue with its boot process also!
Re: Lost programmes
Mon Sep 08, 2014 7:18 pm
by baward
Thank you for your help, I will give it a go.
Re: Lost programmes
Wed Sep 10, 2014 8:33 pm
by baward
That worked fine, I was able to get to Now Playing, only to find that there were no programmes to watch! I definitely didn't delete them, and I'm wondering if the lack of programmes I recorded had something to do with the failure of the wireless/phone line (both apply, the machine basically became stranded and unable to load new programme data.) Its almost as if (to me) a fresh install of the system had taken place somehow...
Re: Lost programmes
Fri Sep 12, 2014 11:15 am
by mikerr
You may well have my SortNP hack installed which can also restore deleted programmes :
Press "0" on your remote on the Now Playing screen:
Choose option 6 /6 / 1 (folders / advanced / restore deleted shows):
Re: Lost programmes
Tue Sep 16, 2014 8:43 am
by baward
mikerr wrote:You may well have my SortNP hack installed which can also restore deleted programmes :
Press "0" on your remote on the Now Playing screen:
Choose option 6 /6 / 1 (folders / advanced / restore deleted shows):
Fantastic, it worked fine. Thank you very much.