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Record using Digiguide

PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:21 am
by tormat
Unable to use this feature, every single channel comes up with 'error not a valid channel' I've had issues in the past with the odd channel doing this but never all of them. I've checked the entries in chan_map, done a restart of tivoweb and Digiguide, rebooted Tivo, made sure chan_map was being transferred to Tivo using binary, just wondered if anyone else had this problem? We use this every single day, so a real blow if for some reason it's off for good, any help appreciated

Re: Record using Digiguide

PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2015 8:13 pm
by tormat
For anyone else in the same boat, seems that somehow my chan_map file was corrupt, looked fine in Editpad and it was all working yesterday, ie I hadn't been moving it or messing with Tivo, it just stopped working today. The fix was to create a new chan_map file from scratch, if I copied/pasted from the original I still got errors, all good now though.