hello all,
I have an S1 with altepg on already - works fine - we did however have a few problems with it a few weeks back.
So.. we went out and bought another one from ebay - thinking it'd be simple... box arrived - with remote and power cable - that's about it along with a turbonet cable...hang out of it.
Problems is..
i know nothing bout turbonet cards - how i'd get it to talk to either network or laptop - it shouldn't be too complex , right ?
Also - if i go for the default - phone home - it fails...
So can one of you kind folks advise on a few pointers to help my DR tivo , at least vaguely working..??
(and yes we do have virign cable in our area etc - but i'm simply not going over for the sake of it - my old box is fine... well almost..)
All the best