Stupid question about AltEPG TiVo Software Updates

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Stupid question about AltEPG TiVo Software Updates

Postby reh » Fri May 27, 2016 6:27 pm

I'm running TivoWebPlus Version 2.1.b3 (oztivo-091208) on a Tivoland-supplied HDD running altepg1.0d. Ever since I got the new HDD (March 2015), TivoWeb has thrown up various errors, which I've just lived with until now. Eg - clicking on a series link (to see a list of available episodes) always returns an INTERNAL SERVER ERROR / "can't read "l3": no such variable"; and viewing the SP list always shows the message "Error: your season pass priority list is corrupted, reorganizing them from the tivo UI may help" (it doesn't).

I've finally got sufficiently annoyed to do something about it and I see, from other posts here, that upgrading TiVoWebPlus may resolve these issues, and that I can install that upgrade via the AltEPG TiVo Account Management page. But I have a couple of questions (I don't want to get it wrong and break my TiVo):

1. It recommends stopping TivoWebPlus before carrying out the installation, and then restarting it once the installation has completed. I can see how to stop it via the web browser (Restart | Quit), but how do I restart it once it's stopped? If I don't know how, is it safer for me to do a Restart | Full after the upgrade is installed?

2. What happens once I check the "TivoWebPlus21b3-UK20120818" box on the AltEPG TiVo Account Management page, and click the Install button? It says "Click the 'Install' button to start the installation process", suggesting it might start immediately. But from reading other posts, I got the impression it would be downloaded overnight, with the daily guide data. Do I need to 'oversee' the installation, or will it just happen in the background? And how will I know when it's done (esp if I stop TivoWebPlus first)?

Apologies for so many questions. Hope someone can advise.



--cut here--action:series, path:/819014/-1, env:, code:'NONE'
can't read "l3": no such variable
while executing
"foreach {fsid name type} $l3 {
RetryTransaction {
set oldrec [db $::db openid $fsid]
set showing [dbobj $oldrec get Showing]
set program [dbobj $showi..."
(procedure "MOD::action_series" line 71)
invoked from: "$cmd $chan $path $env"
--cut here--
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Re: Stupid question about AltEPG TiVo Software Updates

Postby DX30 » Sat May 28, 2016 10:45 am

reh wrote:1. It recommends stopping TivoWebPlus before carrying out the installation, and then restarting it once the installation has completed. I can see how to stop it via the web browser (Restart | Quit), but how do I restart it once it's stopped? If I don't know how, is it safer for me to do a Restart | Full after the upgrade is installed?

You could restart tivoweb from a bash prompt using the command /var/hack/tivoweb/startup but personally I find the easiest thing is just to restart the tivo.

reh wrote:2. What happens once I check the "TivoWebPlus21b3-UK20120818" box on the AltEPG TiVo Account Management page, and click the Install button? It says "Click the 'Install' button to start the installation process", suggesting it might start immediately. But from reading other posts, I got the impression it would be downloaded overnight, with the daily guide data. Do I need to 'oversee' the installation, or will it just happen in the background? And how will I know when it's done (esp if I stop TivoWebPlus first)?

Selecting an upgrade just tells the server to download that software on the daily call. Personally I select the software I want on the Account management page then force the tivo to do a daily call to download it. I wait until the tivo has loaded the new guide data at which point I will see a new message on the tivo saying I have new software. I then restart the tivo. Finally I go back to the Account management page and look at Packages Pending and remove the package otherwise it will keep on being downloaded on every daily call.
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Re: Stupid question about AltEPG TiVo Software Updates

Postby reh » Sat May 28, 2016 11:06 am

Thanks DX30, that's very helpful! I'll give it a go.
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Re: Stupid question about AltEPG TiVo Software Updates

Postby reh » Sat May 28, 2016 12:49 pm

And it worked! No more error message when I click on a series name - hooray! Thanks again, DX30 - esp the tip about removing it from the Packages Pending list afterwards.
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