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Moving on - TiVos and Cachecards available

PostPosted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 9:36 pm
by Brother52
Due to a change of direction, I will shortly have the following available:

2x TiVo with 250Gb Samsung Spinright HDD and CacheCard with 512Mb RAM (running EndPad + TivoWeb)
1x TiVo with 200Gb HDD (can't remember what brand)

Plus half a dozen or so remotes - I might even have the original packaging in the loft for one TiVo...

Any interest?

(I'm in South Bucks, near M25/M40 junction)

Re: Moving on - TiVos and Cachecards available

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:33 am
by positor1
always interested in spares :d

Re: Moving on - TiVos and Cachecards available

PostPosted: Mon Mar 27, 2017 2:11 pm
by reh
Hi, do you still have either of your TiVos with cachecard/RAM to sell or dispose of? My TiVo is becoming increasingly flaky. Not sure what its problem is, but in case it's the cachecard/RAM I would love to have another machine to try instead (plus a spare PSU, just in case). I'm just south of High Wycombe, so could collect. Fingers crossed ...