by dotdot » Fri Apr 21, 2017 10:39 pm
hello there - i will go back and do some testing on t#1 tomorrow , with ref to your advice on t#2.
t#2 now has the orig drive only in it - it boots fine - with the 'orig drive' - which appears to have backdoor enabled etc..
i went into guided setup to get the dial/phone out working - now it's stuck , can't get a connection.
(not the best place..) - but until then it came up fine - could change channels etc - but didn't have an epg so couldn't do much.
suggestions on how to get this working - i think this had the network card when i bought it , but then i just took it out and put it into t#1 last year when
we had the dialup corruption problem
(for now t#2 has the orig drive and network card connected , but powered off).
on t#2 when i had the two drives in - the came up once , then after a while i put it into standby - then it never came back.
btw - on t#2 when i rebooted it before giving up - all i heard for a while was the ominous beep which i'd had with the drive on t#1.
I have a fair amount of recordings on it - but if they go - it's not the end of the world - a "new" drive with altepg on would be more than enough to get us back up and working.
..will check out t#1 tomorrow and report back.
thanks for your advice so far.