Tivo s1 loses sound every day

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Tivo s1 loses sound every day

Postby davesh » Tue Feb 19, 2019 6:27 pm


Firstly thanks to whomever keeps this AltEpg service alive. Much appreciated.

My S1 with a cachecard fitted drops the sound at least once every 24 hours requiring a reboot to get it back again.

What are my options? If I need a 'new' Tivo box can I just transfer the disk and cachecard and expect everything to work?


Dave S.
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Re: Tivo s1 loses sound every day

Postby DX30 » Tue Feb 19, 2019 10:47 pm

Some sound problems are related to Power Supply problems with the extra load from the cachecard being a factor. In these cases the TiVo typically loses sound when powered up but your scenario seems a bit different so I don't know if a new power supply would help or not.

If you do go the new TiVo route you should be able to transfer the disk and cachecard and keep your recordings. You'll need to register the new TiVo with altepg and run a guided setup but then you should be up and running again.
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Re: Tivo s1 loses sound every day

Postby davesh » Wed Feb 20, 2019 1:48 pm

Thanks DX30. Yes, the sound goes off seemingly randomly even whilst we are watching.

Sounds like I need to beg another Series 1 from somewhere!
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