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Any Demand for Series 1 Thomson TiVo's ??

PostPosted: Sun Jul 05, 2020 5:57 pm
by djb2002
I have around 4 or 5 original series one Thomson TiVo's in storage (all used).

Is there any demand for these anymore ?? - Trying to decide what to do with them.


Re: Any Demand for Series 1 Thomson TiVo's ??

PostPosted: Tue Jul 07, 2020 8:19 am
by Pegasus
I'm guessing that most people already using S1 TiVo have a spare (or two). I can't see any new people joining up as there's too many alternatives available now.

I'm in a similar situation as I need to make some space in the attic. I'm probably going to end up stripping them down - cachecard, turbonet, power supply, disc mounting frame, motherboard, remote control.

Anyone else have any ideas?

Re: Any Demand for Series 1 Thomson TiVo's ??

PostPosted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 12:58 pm
by mikemusic
Also cannot see new people getting a Tivo
I have multiple Tivos in various states. Don't feel competent enough to do much with them.
Seems to be normal these days to sign up for a service like Netflix, Prime and others even though Tivo does the same and more.
Big benefit to me with a Tivo is being able to jump through ads. Not possible on commercial channels on a stick.

Whenever I mention Tivo to any non users the eyes glaze over