Hi guys
I am new to the world of Tivo & forums and looking forward to watching TV in a new way.
I am currently installing a system to work alongside an existing Sky box. I am aware that Sky uses a telephone line to down/upload information to my Sky box which I am guessing is their EPG, updates along with other peripheral bits and pieces likes games etc..
My problem is that I had a wooden floor laid a year or so ago with the Sky telephone line underneath. Tivo also uses a telephone line to make a daily call for its EPG? and updates. I do not fancy either
1. Taking the floor up
2. Having a telephone line cable trail around the skirting boards of 2 rooms to get to my Tivo
I have seen wireless phone extenders for sale. Are they a good alternative
Can I not run both the Sky and Tivo of of the same telephone line splitting the line with an adaptor nearer to both boxes negating the need to lay another line:?:
Any help & advise gratefully appreciated