Alternatives to UKTivo? (non techy help needed please)

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Alternatives to UKTivo? (non techy help needed please)

Postby spitfires » Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:39 pm

Before we get past the point of no return, I think we should just check there are no viable alternatives to the OzTivo solution (and its variants - ZATivo, NLTivo, etc.)

So, we need people to rummage around th'internet and see if there's anything else that might look a go-er.

Scrub around the jolly tivocommunity and dealdatabase forums, as well more general Google searching. And anywhere else you can think of!

You're looking for something like Tivo + guide data or EPG, or PVR (instead of Tivo), etc.

There are two areas to investigate:
- collection and collation of TV guide data
- getting the guide data onto the Tivo

Just use your common sense as to whether something looks worth investigating or not - you don't necessarily have to understand it (!), just use your common sense as to whether something looks (a) as though it would work, (b) is robust enough for what we are trying to do.

If you find something then report back and the techies will take a closer look.

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Postby Kitschcamppalace » Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:10 pm


You don't think people haven't done that before?

There are two solutions:

1. 100% roll your own. That's what I did because it was good for a single user.

2. The OzTiVo/NLTivo solution for groups.

If there was an easier way, it'd have been done already. That's wasting time. 1st preference, option 2. It's the friendliest. Option 1 is painful for end users.

I spent months looking for alternatives. If there was an easier solution, I'd have taken it. Effort is required. Sorry.
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Postby rp689 » Thu Feb 17, 2011 10:42 am

You're probably already aware of it, but just in case I found this:
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Postby spitfires » Thu Feb 17, 2011 2:21 pm

Kitschcamppalace wrote:You don't think people haven't done that before?

Of course... but *recently* ?

If you've already done all the research then perhaps you could list all the alternatives and reason why they won't work?

Shouldn't take more than 10 minutes of your time, and then everyone who is not you will be satisfied that we, as a community, have considered all the options before going hell for leather with an apparently self-selected solution.
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Postby Kitschcamppalace » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:36 am

I've listed the alternatives - 2 roll your own solutions, the one I've documented and an older one that produces vile slices that break season passes every load.

The TivoNL/Oz/ZA solutions.

By all means waste your time looking for other options if you wish. I'm concentrating on getting a working system up and running as quickly as possible. We have a deadline, a definite deadline, and basing our work on a known working solution will get us there quickly. Once that's up and running we can look at improving it.
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Postby spitfires » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:10 am

I didn't ask YOU to look at the alternatives. I'm quite happy for you to continue like a bull in a china shop doing whatever it is that you are doing. Just what *are* you doing exactly? Does anyone else know?
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Postby Kitschcamppalace » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:14 am

I am checking data is available. I am checking it's quality.

I'm checking bandwidth requirements and load requirements.

I'm working with the NLTiVo lot to see what's possible.

I'm disseminating information about what's known already.

I'm working out what we need to make sure we have a workable solution.

I think I'm doing quite a bit, actually, and its not being a bull in a china shop. I've an idea of what's needed because I've been through a lot of this before in some detail. I'm making use of that knowledge to get us going as quickly as possible. We've got several months head start thanks to that.

Sorry if that's not good enough for you.
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Postby Alek » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:01 pm

I see the testosterone is kicking in already.

Might be a good time to start leaving your posts for 15 mins before you hit the submit button.

Nobody here can tell anyone else what to do.

And everyone is entitled to follow whatever path they choose.

Any ideas should be posted and evaluated.

I wish I had more knowledge and could contribute more.

I am standing by to help when a suitable task comes up.

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Postby healeydave » Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:50 pm

Alek wrote:Might be a good time to start leaving your posts for 15 mins before you hit the submit button.

Good Advice!

Tivo only just made the announcement and whilst it might not seem like much, a lot has already happened in a few days. Not just work on existing software & scripts, but foundations for the community effort to bring this project to a reality.

I hate to the old adage "Rome wasn't built in a day", but it is appropriate here.

I followed with interest when the Canadians & Australians started out on their original venture. When you consider that there are still users of this system several years on and a couple of years since the Official Tivo service opened up in Australia, this is testament to their efforts and I believe this is the best option!

So I am calling for calm here guy's, I will not tolerate infighting in the forum, it will achieve nothing positive!
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Postby spitfires » Fri Feb 18, 2011 5:17 pm

Kitschcamppalace wrote:Sorry if that's not good enough for you.

You are missing my point - it seems you are taking waaaay too much on yourself. I think rather than "doing" you should be getting everyone else up to your level. No-one wants you to be a "one man band" - you'll have a breakdown before the month is out.

Slow down, plan it out, spread the workload, don't try and do it all yourself. :shock:

You might have been down this road already and have the contacts with the Dutch guys, but please don't try and do it all yourself. You have 11 other techies who volunteered to help who are currently sitting twiddling their thumbs. Use the community!
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