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"New" unit - Guided Setup getting stuck

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 8:13 am
by Brother52
Over the weekend I picked up a spare development/testing TiVo, with "lifetime" sub (FWIW!)

Test call completed okay, as did the EPG download - so the account is good, and the modem works :D Playback of pre-recorded material is also fine :)

However, it's currently setup for Sky - so I ran Guided Setup to switch to Freeview, at which point I hit a problem:

One of the GS screens (sorry, can't remember the title off-hand - but was something 20-30 mins) has three tasks - the first was preparation/housekeeping, the second was calling/downloading something-or-other (15-20 mins?), and the third was hanging-up (3 sec). I can't remember much more, it was getting rather late...

Anyhow, it seemed to get stuck on the first task (housekeeping) - I left it sat there for a good hour and a half, with the (orginal 40Gb) disk thrashing away.

Is this behaviour to be expected under the circumstances, or is something else afoot?

Re: "New" unit - Guided Setup getting stuck

PostPosted: Mon Mar 28, 2011 9:22 am
by healeydave
Erm, hard to say for sure, you usually get an error if there's a problem.

Its not unusual to get a failure during GS when its dialling in and downloading , but usually an error will occur and it will give you a a redial option that will usually prevail.

The first call in GS is to collect the headend data, then it configures your system relative to your regional selections.

The final calls are to actually grab your first full set of EPG data, however, once its grabbed this data, I carries on in the background extracting and indexing etc after you get the "Press the TiVo button" screen.

Re: "New" unit - Guided Setup getting stuck

PostPosted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 8:12 am
by Brother52
Yay! Managed to get GS to complete last night, and all is well :mrgreen:

Right then, who's got a spare CacheCard going cheap??? :lol: