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PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 10:55 am
by Alek
Yesterday I connected to tivo using putty and got a prompt.

Not wanting to go any further I closed it.

Today I get "Connecting To not open connection to the host, on port 23:
Connect failed"

What could have changed.


Re: telnet

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 11:11 am
by tivomas
If you are using the altepg3 then you need to switch the telnet deamon over.

The lastest altepg6 is using the older but more compatible telnet deamon and works very well.

to switch try:

cd /sbin
mv tnlited tnlited.bak
cp tnlited.orig tnlited

[you might need a reboot]

Re: telnet

PostPosted: Wed May 18, 2011 6:39 pm
by Alek
Ever one to take the easy route, I re imaged another hdd with the v1 iso.

Now got telnet and tivoweb but no sound.

It's a hitachi hdd could that be the reason.


Re: telnet

PostPosted: Thu May 19, 2011 10:09 pm
by Alek
This evening I put the v1 image on a 40gb tivo drive, now I have telnet, tivoweb and sound.
