I was also very keen to get the TiVo to control an unsupported STB and put a lot of effort into achieving it. I did successfully use that site to capture IR codes using the TiVo
. It was not easy but in the process I also tweaked the script (irSliceCreator.sh) because it was locking up and required a bit of manual intervention. So if you would like to try the tweaked script here it is.
All this code is from the OZTiVo guys I have just made some minor changes. It has only been tested on an altEPG image but I don't see why it shouldn't work on a standard build.
Download this tar file to your hack directory and expand it
- Code: Select all
tar xvf ircodes.tar
It will create a directory called ircodes with all the necessary binaries in it. Read the OZTiVo site in the previous post to get an idea of how to use it. Fortunately there are some steps that are not necessary on a UK TiVo. Then go into the new directory and try it out.
- Code: Select all
cd ircodes
./irSliceCreator.sh 43 5 5 29992 mySTB
Attempt to capture one code e.g. the number 5 button in "3 capture one key", go to "6 test remote codes" and if it changes your STB's channel you are well on the way, otherwise select the "2 determine frequency" and it will go through all the frequencies sending out that code. If you find one that works then use that frequency (the first argument). This all requires a LOT of patience and determination.
If you manage to capture and test all the codes then you need to select "7 output codes to device file" which will create a tcl file (mySTB.tcl).
You then do:
- Code: Select all
%source mySTB.tcl
dbsetx nnnnn/nnn CableBoxCodeNum 29992
There is an explanation on the OZTiVo site of how to get the nnnn/nnn values using tivoweb.
Your TiVo will then have total control of your unsupported STB