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System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:41 pm
by healeydave
We have deployed a system change tonight to try to address the full set of guide data being downloaded every time.

If it works, previous callers should see a significant reduction in downloads and processing times.
This will also help immensely with those on dialup and help with the congestion.

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Wed May 25, 2011 9:51 pm
by katman
Excellent work guys.

Looking forward to my first successful download. I may be up late tonight LOL

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 7:33 am
by Alek
Made a daily call last night.

Downloaded an an extra 2 days worth of epg in a total time of around 10 mins.

I didn't time it but it was considerably faster than before.


Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:42 am
Thanks Dave!

My TiVo made a daily call this morning (via dial up), which lasted a matter of minutes, rather than some 20+ minutes.

So it looks like only additional EPG data was downloaded, rather than the whole EPG.

Best wishes,


Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 8:46 am
by healeydave
Credits go to Poppadum, we spent the last two days working on it together.

We still need to do some testing today to see if Guided Setup still works, but fairly confident the Daily Calls were working, I didn't want to delay pushing the fix into the live system any longer because the length and number of calls were clogging up the dialup :)

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 9:54 am
by Heuer
I had a problem with Guided setup yesterday evening (did not know this work was going on). Connected via network OK, got successful first download but after choosing the channels etc the second download failed and TiVo gave me a message to say there was an error with the data and to try again, which I did four times, but with the same result. Tried again this morning and everything worked perfectly and it is now going through its data build. About to try guided setup on my other TiVo so will report back.

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 10:53 am
by johnscott99
Well done chaps!

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 2:52 pm
by Ark_42
After my daily call today there's been a change.
I get a system message about my account being closed and the account status is now "8 - closed" and the next call is 1st June.
I tried a froced daily call - no change
I've been getting daily updates for some days using altepg3 Have I perchance fallen off the register ?


Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:26 pm
by bri_tal
@Ark_42: Likewise - Mine changed today from 4 (epg testing) to 8 (account closed) but did'n't prevent me from doing a daily update. So, no, you haven't fallen off the register.

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:53 pm
by mikerr
Just did a guided setup fine (over network) so I now have one on Virgin Media, as well as my freeview tivos.

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 3:59 pm
by agoodey
My TiVo has changed to account closed too... I guess that we need to re-register if we were an early alpha tester?

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:07 pm
by Automan
My one is still 4: Tivo Internal Testing but keeps rebooting due to Signal 11.

Only seems to have started since today's dose of program guide data....



Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:16 pm
by bri_tal
Now unable to select programmes to record, even though on altepg3, due to Tivo closing account today. The machine in question had lifetime support, whilst on standar epg. What do I do now ??

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:48 pm
by greenkr
My TiVo has changed to account closed too.

Re: System Change 22:15 on the 25th May

PostPosted: Thu May 26, 2011 4:55 pm
by healeydave
All those that were connecting to AltEPG (not the official Tivo service) that are now getting "Account Closed" must have missed the email I sent out 2 days ago, copied below:

Code: Select all


Thank you for registering with AltEPG.

When we started the Alpha testing phase, we had not quite finished the database system.
The choice was to hold off testing until the database part was complete or implement a temporary solution.

We chose the latter to allow already keen users to get a chance to test earlier rather than later.

As a consequence, you may need to re-register at which creates your account on the new database and then you are able to add TiVo(s) to that account.

If any of you have registered an additonal TiVo in the last week, using the new form (which allows you to give a description of the TiVo), that account will be valid and you only need to add the original TiVo back in.

Basically, you can try adding your original TiVo using the "Add a TiVo" form first:

If this form works, your good to go. If it tells you your TiVo already exists in the system, your also good to go. If it tells you your email & password combination does not exist in the database and assuming you didn't make a typo or forgot your password, thats a good indication that you just need to re-create an account first, using the "Register an Account" button.

The temporary solution will be removed on Wednesday 25th May.

Its no big deal if you have not re-registered your TiVo(s) by Wednesday, they will just go to "Account Closed" until they are entered back into the system.

We do apologise for this slight inconvenience.

Kind Regards

The AltEPG Team.