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S1 Utilities - tkp_tools

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 3:20 pm
by pdf
Back in days of yore when the Series 1 was in its infancy, there was a small set of utilities collected together into a tarball called something like


This tar ball contained, I believe, binaries for find vim diff mc & less.
(find, diff and less are what I really miss :cry: )

I can't find a copy of this archive now - all links to it lead to dead ends. Does anyone know where a copy can be found, please.

Many thanks,


Re: S1 Utilities - tkp_tools

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 3:24 pm
by tivomas
They are already installed on the existing altepg iso if that helps?

Re: S1 Utilities - tkp_tools

PostPosted: Fri May 27, 2011 3:48 pm
by pdf
Thanks tivomas, it will help. I haven't built a disk with the new image yet - I collected the new disk earlier today.
My two old TiVos are still running the original build (I think - it was about 7 years ago when I networked the first) together with what I managed to cobble together at the time.

I hope to get to building the new disk over the weekend - I just need Dave to send me the shiny new cache card that I've ordered...

