poppadum wrote:Given the likely ongoing costs of installation and line rental for the incoming lines (and bandwidth) for a dialup platform, it may be cheaper in the long run to get a batch of network cards made. Does anyone have any ideas about how to go about that or the likely cost?
Check out this thread from two years ago at
www.tivocommunity.com/tivo-vb/showthrea ... ight=batch started by Skolink who is based in Christchurch, New Zealand saying he could let people have them for 60NZD each + postage. If he made them in batches of 100 he might be able to offer better pricing still.
However I think you ignore the fact that for most Tivo users of completely unmodified Tivos or at least with just replaced hard drive from Tivoheaven, Tivoland or TC that not being able to collect the EPG data by dialup and having to instead install a Cachecard and reimage the hard drive and so on may mean all the difference between life and death for their Tivo. Most of these users just won't have the ability to start imaging their own hard drives even though they might manage to open their Tivo to fit a new hard drive imaged professionally by someone else.
Surely there must be a lot of heavily disused dial up points of presence that could provide unlimited capacity so long as people could stand to pay the costs of an 0845 call. These PoPs make enough money from the 0845 revenue share component of the call to not want to charge anything further (I have just such an 0845 number for fax2email with nktelecom.co.uk who do not charge any fee for the number). As 0845 calls are now included in BT's Anytime and Weekend free call minutes this seems like a possible workable solution to me. The danger however is that as the AltEPG is in the hands of heavy duty techies they forget how frightening any talk of opening up your Tivo or imaging drives is to most Tivo users.
My experience so far with the 01274 number shows that a dial up number that is mainly engaged most of the day does become very frustrating indeed and then you also have the nasty additional issue with the ringback problem which causes a charge each time it happens. That old Tivo that has been sitting gathering dust for the last three years with a status of account closed will only come back in to use if a dialup based solution can be found.