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Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:00 am
by cashew1970
Hi Again,

Can anyone help me with getting logos back on my tivo?

In Tivoweb, the logos option says "Sorry, Your Logo Data Set is Empty"

I have copied over my logos, and tried the loadlogos.tcl, but i get the following

[TiVo [p0] /var/hack]# /var/hack/loadlogos.tcl /var/hack/LOGOS
Initialising logo list
Initialising channel list
Processing /var/hack/LOGOS/3C-s1-p1.png
Detected Type 1 Palette/Size Format fro 3c-s1-p1.png
Overwriting Existing Image for 3c-s1-p1.png
Successfully Imported Image 3c-s1-p1.png
can't open object (errDbNotFound)

while executing
"db $db open "/LogoGroup/$lspace:$type:$type""
("uplevel" body line 11)
invoked from within
"uplevel $body"
invoked from within
"transaction {uplevel $body}"
(procedure "RetryTransaction" line 5)
invoked from within
"RetryTransaction {
set img [db $db openid $imgfsid]
set name [dbobj $img get Name]
if {[regsub -- {-s1-p1$} $name {} name] == 1} {
(procedure "addLogoIndex" line 6)
invoked from within
"addLogoIndex $imgfsid $index"
(procedure "show_import" line 177)
invoked from within
"show_import $file"
("foreach" body line 3)
invoked from within
"foreach file $filelist {
puts "Processing $file"
show_import $file
(file "/var/hack/loadlogos.tcl" line 585)
[TiVo [p0] /var/hack]#


Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 10:34 am
by positor1
Cant help with the telnet option but I loaded them all using tivoweb.
Have you tried that?

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 9:00 pm
by cashew1970
Hi i tried via tivo web, but all i get on the logos screen is "sorry, you logo data set is empty"

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:52 pm
by positor1
Did you decompress the file you downloaded?
Right click on the downloaded file and select decompress all (or similar wording)
Then import into tivoweb from taht file. I found I had to do each one i wanted individualy but then I am half baked..

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:02 pm
by cashew1970
Yes i did ensure all of the files were how they were supposed to be...

It just appeas that the image i have is missing some kind of database for the logos...

I would be happy to do it all with TivoWeb if i could get past the message that I do not have any... and no option to go and add them


Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:45 am
by positor1
IANT (I am not a techie)

All I can offer is a step by step for teh way I acheived it.
download the logo sets from here
Save on pc
Right click on that file and left click on "extract all"
A window opens where you can change the destination or file name, click extract.
Start tivoweb (browser address
Click on the blue word "logos"
Click on the White words "import logo"
A window opens with two white lines "image file" and "logo space =tivo"
Click browse at the end of "image file"
Point or navigate to the new extracted file , not the one you downloaded.
Open the file and select one of the logos you want ie. bbc1hd s1-p1, then click "open" at the bottom of the filer window.
The filer window closes and you can now click the import button.
Now import the corrosponding logo with s2-p2 suffix

Click teh white words " return to logos "
Now for each channel you have imported a logo click the blue word "change" at the end of the channel line
A window opens showing all the logos you have imported, double click on the one the want to associate with that channel.

If this does not work for you then you need someone clever.....

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 9:53 am
by cashew1970
Thats my problem....

I do not get an option to Import

All I get in Logos in tivoweb is this

Sorry, Your Logo DataSet is empty

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 10:19 am
by cashew1970
I have fond a solution.....

Over here

I had to load a slice file with DBload30.tcl

Restart of tivo web got me past the sorry bit...

I am now loading via the telnet commands i mentioned in the first post

Thanks Peoples


Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 4:28 pm
by Tcm2007
The various bits of logo code assume that you have the default logos already in place. That's not the case (yet) for an AltEPG machine.

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Tue Jun 21, 2011 6:14 pm
by vassilis
Just switch to the latest Tivowebplus version which is included in the image and this will create the logos space. Then the uploading will work. You can obviously return back to 1.9.4 once you have run it once.

I hope this helps


Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:07 pm
by Teepee
vassilis wrote:Just switch to the latest Tivowebplus version which is included in the image and this will create the logos space. Then the uploading will work. You can obviously return back to 1.9.4 once you have run it once.

I hope this helps


I have modified several Tivos including one using the AltEPG iso. Sadly, none of them display logos in spite of attempts to restore them using deletelogos.tcl and loadlogos.tcl as well as importing them one at a time via Tivowebplus 2.0.0. In every case, the familiar 'failed to open database' message appears. The above suggestion of switching to the most recent Tivowebplus version has no effect either. In the past, the database has initially failed to open but has come good after the next data download. Is the logo info not being sent at the moment or am I the only one not seeing them on any machine? If there is a definitive way of getting them to work I would be pleased to see it on this forum.

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 2:28 pm
by cashew1970
As per my respose up the thread a bit

I found a solution....

Over here
I had to load a slice file with DBload30.tcl
Restart of tivo web got me past the sorry bit...
I am now loading via the telnet commands i mentioned in the first post

Re: Logos - ALTepg6 image

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2011 4:09 pm
by Teepee
cashew1970 wrote:As per my respose up the thread a bit

I found a solution....

Over here
I had to load a slice file with DBload30.tcl
Restart of tivo web got me past the sorry bit...
I am now loading via the telnet commands i mentioned in the first post

Thanks cashew1970, I switched over to the old version of Tivoweb and the above method established the logo space. I then switched back to TivoWebPlus 2.0.0 and used deletelogos.tcl & loadlogos.tcl to upload them all. It's good to have them back :)