Logos - ALTepg6 image
Posted: Sat Jun 18, 2011 11:00 am
Hi Again,
Can anyone help me with getting logos back on my tivo?
In Tivoweb, the logos option says "Sorry, Your Logo Data Set is Empty"
I have copied over my logos, and tried the loadlogos.tcl, but i get the following
[TiVo [p0] /var/hack]# /var/hack/loadlogos.tcl /var/hack/LOGOS
Initialising logo list
Initialising channel list
Processing /var/hack/LOGOS/3C-s1-p1.png
Detected Type 1 Palette/Size Format fro 3c-s1-p1.png
Overwriting Existing Image for 3c-s1-p1.png
Successfully Imported Image 3c-s1-p1.png
can't open object (errDbNotFound)
while executing
"db $db open "/LogoGroup/$lspace:$type:$type""
("uplevel" body line 11)
invoked from within
"uplevel $body"
invoked from within
"transaction {uplevel $body}"
(procedure "RetryTransaction" line 5)
invoked from within
"RetryTransaction {
set img [db $db openid $imgfsid]
set name [dbobj $img get Name]
if {[regsub -- {-s1-p1$} $name {} name] == 1} {
(procedure "addLogoIndex" line 6)
invoked from within
"addLogoIndex $imgfsid $index"
(procedure "show_import" line 177)
invoked from within
"show_import $file"
("foreach" body line 3)
invoked from within
"foreach file $filelist {
puts "Processing $file"
show_import $file
(file "/var/hack/loadlogos.tcl" line 585)
[TiVo [p0] /var/hack]#
Can anyone help me with getting logos back on my tivo?
In Tivoweb, the logos option says "Sorry, Your Logo Data Set is Empty"
I have copied over my logos, and tried the loadlogos.tcl, but i get the following
[TiVo [p0] /var/hack]# /var/hack/loadlogos.tcl /var/hack/LOGOS
Initialising logo list
Initialising channel list
Processing /var/hack/LOGOS/3C-s1-p1.png
Detected Type 1 Palette/Size Format fro 3c-s1-p1.png
Overwriting Existing Image for 3c-s1-p1.png
Successfully Imported Image 3c-s1-p1.png
can't open object (errDbNotFound)
while executing
"db $db open "/LogoGroup/$lspace:$type:$type""
("uplevel" body line 11)
invoked from within
"uplevel $body"
invoked from within
"transaction {uplevel $body}"
(procedure "RetryTransaction" line 5)
invoked from within
"RetryTransaction {
set img [db $db openid $imgfsid]
set name [dbobj $img get Name]
if {[regsub -- {-s1-p1$} $name {} name] == 1} {
(procedure "addLogoIndex" line 6)
invoked from within
"addLogoIndex $imgfsid $index"
(procedure "show_import" line 177)
invoked from within
"show_import $file"
("foreach" body line 3)
invoked from within
"foreach file $filelist {
puts "Processing $file"
show_import $file
(file "/var/hack/loadlogos.tcl" line 585)
[TiVo [p0] /var/hack]#