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Does anyone know how much for a multi 0800 number?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 8:15 pm
by Sandeman
I was eying the costs proposed for the dial ups and whilst I acknowledge that it makes real sense to be on an all inclusive calls package, it struck me that when costs of extra £3-£4 on call packages and potentially 50p for a daily call up.
I was wondering (and shoot me down in flames if you like) but if "people" would be happy to pay £x a year to continue this stunning enterprise, could we fund an always available 0800 number with multiple lines?

Answers on a postcard....... (I'm sure it's been considered but what was the conclusion?)


Re: Does anyone know how much for a multi 0800 number?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 19, 2011 11:11 pm
by nick1austin
If you really are paying 50p/day for the daily call then within a year you could have bought a pre-configured 500GB drive with the AltEPG software already installed + a network/cachecard card. Assuming you already have ADSL broadband the running costs then become nill. That would also increase your recording capacity to around 120 hours.

Re: Does anyone know how much for a multi 0800 number?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 20, 2011 7:11 am
by ByTheCringe
Some people don't want to have to modify their TiVo, and/or don't have reasonable access to the broadband anywhere near their TiVo.

Re: Does anyone know how much for a multi 0800 number?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:42 pm
by ByTheCringe
Suggest we look at this, since the 0845 and 0161 numbers may be rather expensive.

Re: Does anyone know how much for a multi 0800 number?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 24, 2011 2:18 pm
by jamie.easterman
I think you'll find that it would cost AltEPG more to pay for inbound calls on an 0800 number than people will pay on an 0845. Some get 0845's included in their telephone line rental plans.

However I think this could be a nice revenue stream for AltEPG if they charged Tivo subscription rates maybe that would cover it.

Seriously though I'm sure when all is said and done people wont want to pay subscription fees and will be happy enough they are keeping their Tivos alive. It would be probably be cheaper to put in a Cache/Turbo card and connect to broadband. Although there is the technical barriers for the non geeks amongst us.