TiVo configuration help for freesat.

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TiVo configuration help for freesat.

Postby Robmdavies » Sat Jul 02, 2011 5:53 pm

Hi, tryingto get my mums TiVo up and running. As she lives in a cave, well doesn't get a decent ariel reception, and doesn't live in a convenient virgin cable area, only possible solution was freesat. Well, that's installed and works great but I'm struggling to get the TiVo configured with the correct channel lineup.

First thing to mention, the TiVo is an original configuration, apart from network card installed. Configure network access to altepg and that's all working fine. I do have an issue that the freesat receiver probably isnt supported so the tivo wont be able to change channels but before we buy a better supported receiver, I want to proof the concept so to speak.

The TiVo was using a freeview receiver, so when freesat was installed and the scart cable moved to the new receiver, the TiVo contented to receive images from it. But because the channels weren't right, decided to do a new guided setup. Can't remember which options I selected but it went through the looking for an anlogue source to record from. There isn't one and I don't think the freeview configuration did that either.

So have I just selected the wrong option? Would it work anyway if I just set it to an available analogue signal (I suspect not, but as I'm going to disable any analogue channels in the line up???)

It can't be difficult, but I'd appreciate any advise for the collection.

Massive thanks the everybody behind altepg too. Long live the TiVo.
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Re: TiVo configuration help for freesat.

Postby bandsp » Sat Jul 02, 2011 6:12 pm

Just a thought ..

I have had Freesat with a Bush STB .. TiVo works it, but it ain't all that good ..

just gone back to my old Sky STB .. just the Free to Air Channels .. probably more than Freesat

You may be better looking for a Sky box on Ebay (but make sure it's supported by TiVo codes).. it may even come with a Free to View card for some extra channels
Still learning ..

Mainly because I tend to forget what I have already learned .. I think
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Re: TiVo configuration help for freesat.

Postby SolidTechie » Sat Jul 02, 2011 7:08 pm

There are two types of Freesat:

The real Freesat
Freesat from Sky

You need to select the sky digital lineup if using the latter. I'm sure if you mention the make & model of freeview receiver, anyone who is using one,w ill chirp up & let you know.

In terms of getting it working - make sure it's plugged in & switched on, connected to the AUX socket on your TiVo

As you work through Guided Setup, TiVo will ask you to test channel changes - There's a BIG list of makers, starting with the OzTivo models - so keep scrolling to the end of the "first" list, to get to the UK models.

If you can't find a code that works, just press "Select" to continue the GS to completion.

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Re: TiVo configuration help for freesat.

Postby Robmdavies » Sun Jul 03, 2011 7:52 pm

Thanks everyone. It's working, it was the slightly confusing "are you using a set top box" question that was causing the problem. As I found on the other TiVo community, the answer to this is no. Otherwise the TiVo thinks you have some sort of dual source inputs.

Just need to get a humax (or other supported receiver) so the TiVo can change the channel.
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