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TiVoWebPlus 2.1b3 issue with Series Info

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:08 am
by Nick-at-da-mill
Since switching to AltEpg (with existing recordings retained) all of my (3) high-capacity TiVos have been manifesting the same TiVoWebPlus problem. To wit:

The Now Playing list for a selected Series (see attachment) now displays ALL (I have many 100s stored) recorded programs and not just recorded instances of the selected Series.

Is any one else seeing this problem?

Do they have a fix?

I'm going to play around with removing the Now Playing list, and displaying only the Upcoming Episodes list, under Series Info in the meantime.

Re: TiVoWebPlus 2.1b3 issue with Series Info

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:59 am
by Nick-at-da-mill
OK. I've made and tested a workaround (removed the Now Showing table as per the attachment).

When I have a bit more time, I'll pursue the root cause.

If you want to apply the workaround yourself.

Edit: TivoWebPlus/modules/ui_series.itcl in /var/hack/ by default

and comment out (add a # before) as shown in the lines in red below

#puts $chan [table -class showlist $s]

set preload [list Series "" Episodic $Episodic]
RetryTransaction {
if {$TmsId==""} { set hastms 0
} else {
set hastms [MfsFind /Recording/TmsId 0]
if {$hastms} {
if {[mfs size $hastms]<8} {set TmsId 0}
if {$::version>=3} {
regsub -all {^(A|AN|THE) } [string toupper $Title] {} t
regsub -all {(\'|\!|\{|\&|\@|\:|\?|\.|\;|\/|\-)} $t {} t
if {$::version>=4} {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/NowShowingByBucketTitle "$t:$seriesid" [expr [string length $t] + 1]]
} else {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/NowShowingByTitle "1:$t:" [expr [string length $t] + 3]]
} elseif {$hastms} {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/TmsId $TmsId 6]
if [PrefixMatches "SH" $TmsId] {
set l [concat $l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/TmsId EP[string range $TmsId 2 end] 6]]
} else {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix $::nowshowingdir "" 50]
#puts "ids: $l"

#set shows {}
#foreach {fsid name type} $l {
# lappend shows $fsid
#if {$TmsId!=0} { set opts "" } else { set opts [list {Program -Series} $seriesid/-1]}
#set fmt $::dyncfg(Fmt_Series)
#putRecRows -opts $opts $chan $fmt Show $shows $preload
#puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]

Re: TiVoWebPlus 2.1b3 issue with Series Info

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 12:02 pm
by mrtickle
Spitfires may have more ideas...

It's not a specific guide data issue, I think this is better tackled in the General forum.

I'm hoping that many of the minor oddities may well stop happening on their own when we are able to use TmsIds in the data slices.

Re: TiVoWebPlus 2.1b3 issue with Series Info

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 1:57 pm
by spitfires

Re: TiVoWebPlus 2.1b3 issue with Series Info

PostPosted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:04 pm
by mrtickle
Great stuff.

Re: TiVoWebPlus 2.1b3 issue with Series Info

PostPosted: Thu Aug 04, 2011 8:22 pm
by Nick-at-da-mill
Thanks for the info. Applied the referenced fix, and the problem is gone.