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Full Radio Times programme descriptions (using SQLite)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:14 pm
by spitfires
You know how the programme description is truncated at 300 characters which means that you often don't get to see what the programme is actually about? (p.s. blame the Radio Times for this not the AltEPG TVGuide!). Well here's an add-on for TivoWebPlus 2.1 that will display the full description when you move the mouse pointer over the truncated description.

Image1.jpg (81.26 KiB) Viewed 2755 times

Image2.jpg (39.96 KiB) Viewed 2755 times

Image3.jpg (60.45 KiB) Viewed 2755 times

How does it work?
The scripts work in the background to download the Radio Times XML data feed and store it on your TiVo. This is the same data feed as used in the TVGuide. The data are stored in a sqlite database which TWP searches to display the full description.

Each night your TiVo will use its network connection to download the latest RT XML data.

Now I'm not suggesting this is in any way, shape or form a useful application - it was merely a proof of concept, of
(1) the ability to store & access SQLite databases on a Series 1 TiVo, and
(2) the ability to have a local copy of the RT XML data accessible to Tivoweb.

TivoWebPlus 2.1b3. It will not work with any other TivoWeb version.

Download the package from here

1) First you must install SQLite from over here: ... ?p=8682395

2) Then, unzip the package and FTP the 2 files (ensure your ftp program uses "binary" mode for BOTH files) to /var/tmp

3) Telnet to your tivo and run
cd /var/tmp

You need to tell the scripts which channels it should retrieve XML data for. (It does not retrieve ones you don't watch since that is wasteful as well as putting an unecessary load on the RT server). You should edit the file /sqlite/channeldata.txt and append the TiVo station callsign to each row you want to retrieve. E.g. see the rows for FILM4 and E4 in the default file.

Retrieve the Radio Times data
cd /var/hack/sqlite

(Note FTAOD: this database/procedure does not of course replace the AltEPG TVGuide - that is totally different; there is no integration between the sqlite database and your TiVo's scheduling software).

Re: Full Radio Times programme descriptions (using SQLite)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 12:23 pm
by spitfires
Known bugs:
- the daily retrieval via cron job doesn't appear to work, so you have to run makedb.tcl manually (daily or every few days as you wish)

Re: Full Radio Times programme descriptions (using SQLite)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:29 pm
by mrtickle
Nicely done. My only reservation is people will be able to spot when I make biased edits to some synopses :-)

Re: Full Radio Times programme descriptions (using SQLite)

PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:02 am
by spitfires
:lol: Yes I noticed a couple of your edits during testing - I thought the script had gone wrong till I realised it was your handiwork 8)